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"We were playing pirate that summer. I had a new boat that we christened the 'Red Rover, after Cooper's story; and we rigged her up with a pirate flag, and proceeded to harry the coast and do all the mischief that naughty twelve-year-olds can do. Finally, I proposed, as a crowning adventure, a descent upon Killykinick, pulling down old Joey Kane's masthead and smashing his lantern.

But from the way in which they had rigged themselves out, so as to avoid being recognized, if seen, it looked as though the four boys had something more than that in view. However, all's well that ends well, and Andy was quite satisfied with the way things had turned out.

With ships built and rigged for speed and for manoeuvring, with men who had learnt how to handle them in many a storm, with captains whose seamanship was trusted by every sailor, the Englishmen repeatedly secured the weather-gauge, joining battle or refusing it as they liked; and the final result was never seriously in doubt.

They did not rouse till well after dawn, for there was nothing to do that day but fill in time. Mac again overhauled all his equipment, paying particular attention to his rifle, bayonet and ammunition, seeing that everything was accessible and that all ran smoothly. Then the section rigged a blanket between piled arms, and sat down in its shade for a game of cards.

I rigged up a sort of jurymast of a bootlace with a bit of old string, and wandered off to look up the girls, conscious of a jar and a discordance in the scheme of things. The moment I entered the schoolroom something in the air seemed to tell me that here, too, matters were strained and awry. Selina was staring listlessly out of the window, one foot curled round her leg.

This time, crouched in the shelter of the near-by trees, clinging to the matted haro, we were free to watch a stupendous spectacle. Triplett alone went aboard and lashed himself to the improvised steering post. Our sail had been stretched and rigged with hundreds of yards of eva-eva, in addition to which four large taa-taas were lashed along the scuppers.

"He may not have asked permission," laughed George W. Perkins. "He may have rigged up some secret contrivance for sending wireless messages." "Why don't you read what he says?" put in J.P. Morgan. Mr. Wise Wood drew a folded yellow paper from his pocket and continued: "This message is unquestionably from Mr. Edison, in spite of the fact that it is signed Thaled.

Larry was rigged for the journey in a suit of black; and though he would have been known, however dressed, by every one for a seaman, he was always taken for an officer of the old school, and was treated accordingly with becoming respect.

The craft was then becalmed, though we had a nice little breeze from about east-north-east; but on our filling upon the schooner and edging away in her direction, the felucca for such she was at once rigged out six sweeps of a side and headed direct for the mouth of the channel.

At this moment, to my dismay, the object we were chasing shortened, gradually fell abeam of us, and finally disappeared. "The Flying Dutchman." "I can't see her at all now." "She will be a fore and aft rigged vessel that has tacked, sir," said the gunner. And sure enough, after a few seconds, I saw the white object lengthen, and draw out again abaft our beam.