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"Ain't I been ridin' this country all day with a man squealin' for a drink as loud as I was, an' had his pocket full of it all the time? I'm through with my job." Laramie broke in without losing the precious moment: "Who set my house on fire, Tex?" he demanded. The Texan nodded in Stone's direction: "Ask him." "He'd lie, Tex; I'm askin' you."

In a little time the colors faded, the mountain peaks began to throw sombre shades; twilight gray and cold settled suddenly into the flat. Then Miss Radford raised her head from Ferguson's shoulder and sighed. "Time to go home," she said. "Yes, time," he returned. "I'm ridin' down that far with you." They rose and clambered down the hillside and he helped her into the saddle.

I kind of got what you were thinkin'. This here is big country. When you're ridin' this kind of country with some fella, you can read his mind almost as good as a horse can. You was thinkin' I was kind of twisted and didn't know which way to head. Now take that there hoss, Joshua.

Only this operation was too slick for most bandidos. They don’t go in for timed, planned things; they jus’ cut loose when they see a chance. This was different. Only Fenner an’ some of the train guards ridin’ in spoiled their game." "Kitchell then?" "Sounds more like. Don’t think Kitchell’s some common ridge-ridin’ bad man.

He's the raw material of a great artist and a good citizen. All he wants is somebody to take him in hand and keep him from makin' an ass of himself and kickin' over the traces generally, and ridin' two or three horses bareback at once." "It seems a simple problem, though the metaphor is rather complicated," said March. "But talk to Miss Leighton about it. I haven't given Beaton the grand bounce."

"Well, seein' as this here pasear is straight riding I reckon I'll crawl him and turn him loose. He needs exercisin'." "Well, I don't," asserted Andy. "'Course, some folks has always got to be showin' off. If Bailey was here you wouldn't be ridin' that hoss." "'And up and down and round and 'cross, that top-boss done his best!" sang Pete as he lugged his saddle into the corral.

Anyhow, I was gettin' tired of ridin'. By gum! me eats is tied to the saddle! It's mighty queer how a fella gets set back to beginnin' all over ag'in every onct in a while. Now, this mornin' I was settin' up ridin' a good hoss and thinkin' poetical. Now I'm settin' down restin'. The sun is shinin' yet, and them jiggers in the brush is chirpin' and the air is fine, but I ain't thinkin' poetical.

WHAT! An' when she comes a ridin' up t' th' office on that brown pony o' hern, I'll be dad burned if she don't pretty nigh fill th' whole out doors, ba thundas! What!" And the little shrivelled up old hillsman, who keeps the ferry, removed his cob pipe long enough to reply, with all the emphasis possible to his squeaky voice, "She sure do, Ike. She sure do.

"You four guys are ridin' along peaceable, merrily takin' the air, when quite inadvertently one of you almost blows the head off of another, and he's so astonished at there bein' a gun in the car that he wrecks it. And when they get you guys in the hospital there ain't one of you knows anything about four sawed-off shotguns and a tommy gun in the car with you. Strange! Strange! Strange!"

Bartley could discern nothing definite, even when Cheyenne pointed to a queer, blurred patch in some loose earth. "It looks like the imprint of some coarse cloth," said Bartley. "Gunnysack. They pulled the shoes off my hosses and sacked their feet." "How about their own horses?" "They been ridin' hard ground, and the tracks don't show, plain.