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A lady told me that, the first day she began housekeeping in Florence, she handed over to a poulterer for a chicken the price he had demanded with protestations that he was losing on the transaction, but wanted, for family reasons, apparently, to get rid of the chicken. He stood for half a minute staring at her, and then, being an honest sort of man, threw in a pigeon.

Once more let me warn you to get rid of sinful secrets, and amend your life, if you wish to be at peace. Good-night." So saying, the duke walked rapidly away to make up for the time lost in talking with the ex-valet. It was after eleven o'clock when he reached the Arondelle Arms, yet the little hostel gave no signs of closing.

"My dog's old, I know," he said, "but I don't want a pup now and I won't have 'n." A day or two later the man came back and said he had kept one of the best of the five for him he had got rid of all the others. "You can't do better," he persisted. "No," said Caleb, "what I said I say again. I won't have 'n, I've no money to buy a dog." "Never mind about money," said the other.

The skin is the chief means by which the body gets rid of an excess of heat and, by so doing, avoids overheating. *How the Skin cools the Body.*—The skin is a means of ridding the body of an excess of heat in at least two ways: 1. By the conduction and radiation of heat from its surface as from a stove.

"We are all at sixes and sevens, Mr. Gerard. I've had another row with that deaf-devil my new name for him, and I think it's rather clever. He swears, sir, that he won't go at the end of his week's notice. Says, if I think I'm likely to get rid of him before he has married Cristy, I'm mistaken. Threatens, if any man attempts to take her away, he'll shoot her, and shoot the man, and shoot himself.

Men's daily complaints are a loud proof of this: the pain that any one actually feels is still of all other the worst; and it is with anguish they cry out, 'Any rather than this: nothing can be so intolerable as what I now suffer. And therefore our whole endeavours and thoughts are intent to get rid of the present evil, before all things, as the first necessary condition to our happiness; let what will follow.

I did not even question the members of the deputation about their special reasons for wanting to get rid of Godfrey. They told me in general terms that he was interfering in business which was "none of his." I wanted no evidence in support of such a statement. Godfrey always interferes in everything.

As New York was already committed against me, and as I was not willing that there should be any chance of supposing that the New Yorkers had nominated me to get rid of me, the result was that I was nominated and seconded from outside States. No other candidate was placed in the field. By this time the Legislature had adjourned, and most of my work as Governor of New York was over.

According to my opinion, you would be acting against the spirit of the treaty in order to take advantage of a plea which, I think, in a court of law, might perhaps be urged in order to get rid of a contract, but which as between nations, ought not to be used. I think, in so considering this question, we should lower our position.

He never doubted but that some day, whatever happened, within a reasonable length of time, he would be rid of all these complications and well-to-do again, in which case, if he could get a divorce, he wanted to marry Aileen. If not, he would take her with him anyhow, and from this point of view it might be just as well as if she broke away from her family now.