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My master never came to Paris until last year. From Tunis to Marseille, and Marseille to Tunis, that's all the travelling he did. But that scurvy journalist is taking his revenge on us for refusing him twenty thousand francs."

All these purposes he had answered by retreating softly, without beat of drum, while his sibyl was abroad running down prey for his devouring. He had not, however, taken his measures so cunningly, but that this old hag discovered his new lodgings, and, in revenge, gave information to the publican.

How many a bad man and, for that matter, how many an innocent man, has come to grief in the attempt. Tell me this. Does Giuseppe know that you no longer love him?" She shook her head. "I have hid it. The time has not come to let him know that. He would be revenged, and God knows what form his revenge might take. Till I have escaped from him, he must not dream that I have changed."

While Ali Baba took these measures to prevent the public from knowing how he came by his riches in so short a time, the captain of the forty robbers returned to the forest with inconceivable mortification; and in his agitation, or rather confusion, at his ill success, so contrary to what he had promised himself, entered the cave, not being able, all the way from the town, to come to any resolution how to revenge himself of Ali Baba.

Let me suggest, in conclusion, a three-fold reason why we should give heed to it. Let us forgive for our own sake. A man of an unforgiving spirit is always his own worst enemy. He "that studieth revenge," says Bacon, "keeps his own wounds green, which otherwise would heal and do well."

Trojan, revenge is sweet. Every woman, I think, likes it, and I am no exception to my sex. Aren't you a little unfair in claiming all the pleasure and none of the pain?" "No," he answered firmly. "I am not. It is as much for your own sake as for his that I am making my claim. You cannot see things in fair proportion now; you will bitterly regret the step you contemplate taking."

It was inevitable indeed it was in many instances proper that such deeds should awake in the breasts of the whites the grimmest, wildest spirit of revenge and hatred. The history of the border wars, both in the ways they were begun and in the ways they were waged, make a long tale of injuries inflicted, suffered, and mercilessly revenged.

"No good ever came of mere revenge, however," said Professor Theobald. "Sometimes that is the only form of remonstrance that is listened to," said Hadria. "When people have the law in their own hands and Society at their back, they can afford to be deaf to mere verbal protest." "As for the child," said Lady Engleton, "she will be in no little danger of a fate like her mother's."

Lucian was in love with Diana, but as yet he could not flatter himself that she was in love with him, so he resolved to win her affection if it was free to be bestowed by doing her will, and her will was to revenge the death of her father.

Off there to the south is where I saw the Revenge for the first time just a speck on the sea, she was!" Bob, who had never seen the view from a really high hill before, stood open-mouthed as he looked about him. Suddenly he grasped Jeremy's arm. "See!" he exclaimed, "down there isn't that smoke?" He was pointing toward the low, swampy region in the southwestern part of the island.