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As the mournful notes echoed, more than one scout, under his blanket, felt goose-flesh. Ordinarily, in camp, the first night is one of restlessness. But Chester troop was tired. For a while voices sounded faintly. They grew fitful and yawny. Finally they ceased. The camp was asleep under the stars. And then the bugle blew again. Reveille! The scouts tumbled out to a new world.

But he had spent many far, far worse on Salisbury Plain, and the inexorable reveille had dragged him out into the raw dreadful morning, heedless of his headache and yearning for slumber, until at last the process of hardening had begun. To-day Doggie was as unfatigued a young man as walked the streets of London, a fact which his mind was too confusedly occupied to appreciate.

Twice the reveille had rung through the little encampment, and twice the quarter-master had essayed to open his eyes, but in vain; at last he made a tremendous effort, and sat bolt upright on the floor, hoping that the sudden effort might sufficiently arouse him; slowly his eyes opened, and the first thing they beheld was the figure of the dead priest, with a light cavalry helmet on his head, seated before him.

The next day, Monday, at dawn the drums beat the reveille, and the judges, with the heralds, notaries and kings-at-arms, took their places in their stands. The nine defenders meanwhile heard mass in a large tent which served as a private chapel for Quiñones, and where mass was said thrice daily at his expense by some Dominicans.

Presently Dick's stroll took him over in the neighborhood of "Execution Hollow," the depression in the ground below where the reveille gun is stationed. Suddenly Dick halted, an amused look creeping into his face. "Now, who'd suspect good old Greg of getting into sheer mischief, all by himself?" the class president asked himself.

The bluey-purple pall had given place to a beautiful orange-tinted yellow such as I had never seen before. The sentry prodded a sleeping Tommy who had a huge black frog sitting on the highest point of his damp, dewy blanket, and a bugle glistening by his side. The sleeper awoke, and after washing his lips at the tank, sounded the soldiers' clarion call, the "Réveillé."

They have to stand at parade rest, left knee bent, weight on the right foot, guns held in front of them, till the old gun goes off." "Gun?" Amy repeated questioningly, while the girls watched the ceremony with beating hearts. "Yes. At reveille the morning gun goes off; and at retreat, the evening," Allen explained.

But for these few, though it was an hour after reveillé, the camp was cold and empty. It was the camp of the Royal Irish Fusiliers. An officer appeared from the mess-tent pale and pinched. I saw him when he came in from Dundee with four sleepless nights behind him; this morning he was far more haggard. Inside were one other officer, the doctor, and the quarter-master.

The prayer closed with a simple petition that they in the battalion might be found worthy of a humble place in that great company. As they were repeating together the prayer "Our Father," the notes of the reveille sounded shrilly over the camp. "Go out, Hobbs, for a minute," said Barry after they had risen from their prayer. He knew well that Cameron would want a few minutes with him alone.

Dundee grazed at hand, and scattered upon the edge of the wood, beneath the little dogwood trees, lay like acorns his men, fraternizing with the "Tuckahoe" regiment. "Your father and Fauquier ?" "Both somewhere in this No-man's Land. What a wilderness of creeks and woods it is! I slept last night in a swamp, and at reveille a beautiful moccasin lay on a log and looked at me.