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Nevertheless the decline of interest in the German language and literature, which had long been so carefully cultivated, as we can see now, by the German government, is one of the permanent results of the war; while there has been a corresponding increase in the study of French and Spanish. Throughout this period, the women of the University were far from passive spectators.

Either by good luck or good management Stephen knocked over two of them with his double-barrelled rifle, and I also emptied my large-bore breech-loader the first I ever owned among them, not without results, while the hunters made a hit or two. After this the Arabs took cover, getting behind trees and, as I had feared, hiding in the reeds on the banks of the stream.

The world was being informed of the might of Jos Myatt, and of the averting of disaster from Knype, and of the results of over a hundred other matches not counting Rugby.

"Cecil is never altogether out of trouble," Andrew answered drily. "He seems to have taken bridge up with rather unfortunate results, and there were some other debts which had to be paid, but we needn't talk about those. The point is that we're jolly well hard up for a year or two. He's got to work, and so have I. If it wasn't for looking after him, I should go to Canada to-morrow."

Viewing such important results, we cannot but enter into the feeling with which Dr Buckland penned the following remarks: 'The historian or the antiquary, he says, 'may have traversed the fields of ancient or of modern battles; and may have pursued the line of march of triumphant conquerors, whose armies trampled down the most mighty kingdoms of the world.

Scarcely were his feet over it when he remembered the character of his host and the lodging, and turned quickly to come back. It was too late, for even as he turned the heavy timber door closed in his face with a crash, and he was caged. For a moment Juanna stood stupefied; for the manoeuvre had been so sudden that at first she could scarcely realise its results.

Almost the greatest evil which results from the delegation to the Imperial Parliament of the duty of legislating on Colonial questions of this class, is the scope which the system affords to exaggeration and mystification.

Diligently examining all the strange phenomena which came under his observation and patiently recording the results of his researches day by day and year by year, he amassed a fund of information which he modestly intended for the entertainment of his friends when he should return to his native country.

Charrin has used the injections of thyroid extract with decided benefit. So soon as the administration of the remedy was stopped the loss of weight ceased, but with the renewal of the remedy the loss of weight again ensued to a certain point, beyond which the extract seemed powerless to act. Ewald also reports good results from this treatment of obesity. Remarkable Instances of Obesity.

Notwithstanding their different points of departure and their variant results, the two main tendencies of modern philosophy agree in certain points.