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Not merely pride in the success of their offspring leads parents to wish for a son in the priesthood. He may bring to them more substantial benefits. He is the interpreter of sacred mysteries, the intercessor in some respects between God and man, and he will plead for them in the court of Heaven.

But it is one of the cities of the world; it has a population of over half a million; it has its churches, its chapels, its synagogues, its theatres, its hotels; it is as well furnished in most respects as any other city of its size; and these grey men yet staunch in body, bronzed and bright-eyed, were among the beginners of it.

Give me Madame de Nervac's letter. She is a charming woman, whom every one admires and respects, and I know her kindness of heart." The count handed the letter. His mother opened it, and read,

And though amongst them the principal members are such as are not touched in private, and therefore need not speak from any feeling of the grief, yet we have heard that other gentlemen also of the House, who stand as free, have spoken freely in it; which gives us to know that no respects or interests have moved them, other than the minds they bear to suffer no diminution of our honour and our subjects' love unto us.

Louis XVI. as a man had far more influence over him than as a king, but the adulation and resentment of the court ruined all. The Sunday following this reconciliation, the Duc d'Orleans presented himself at the Tuileries to pay his respects to the king and queen.

What was in these respects but apprehension or opinion when a national bank was first established now stands confirmed by humiliating experience.

Just as in later times she became perplexed by what she considered my incomprehensible conception of art and its proportions, which upset her ideas about everything connected with it, so now she grew more and more confused by my greater delicacy in regard to morality, which was very different from hers, especially as in many other respects I displayed a freedom of opinion which the could neither comprehend nor approve.

In general, then, we may say that the former-jeopardy doctrine was part of the common law, an appeal of felony being a bar to subsequent appeal or indictment, an indictment a bar to a subsequent indictment, and an indictment to a subsequent appeal, except so far as the statute of 3 Hen. VII., cap. II, changed the law as respects homicides.

The least thing I can do is to return your visit, and pay my respects to Mrs. Carroway and your interesting family." He carried his sword in one hand, and his spy-glass in the other, and at every fog he swore so hard that he seemed to turn it yellow.

I remember a similar peculiarity of dress in a person in all other respects the very antipodes of my friend H . My mother took me once to visit a certain Miss W , daughter of a Stafford banker, her very dear friend, and the godmother from whom I took my second name of Anne. This lady inhabited a quaint, picturesque house in the oldest part of the town of Stafford.