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"You shall repent it, I say!" "In this world, or in the next?" inquired Nick, bent upon prolonging the scene as much as possible, with a hope that Chick might suddenly turn up. Cervera did not answer him immediately. She wheeled again and darted to the door, once more to make sure that she had secured its bolts.

"I tell you plain, Master Varney," said Foster, "my daughter shall not enter our purposes or walk in our paths. They may suit me well enough, who know how to repent of my misdoings; but I will not have my child's soul committed to peril either for your pleasure or my lord's. I may walk among snares and pitfalls myself, because I have discretion, but I will not trust the poor lamb among them."

'Sign the papers, said Montoni, more impatiently than before. 'Never, sir, replied Emily; 'that request would have proved to me the injustice of your claim, had I even been ignorant of my right. Montoni turned pale with anger, while his quivering lip and lurking eye made her almost repent the boldness of her speech. 'Then all my vengeance falls upon you, he exclaimed, with an horrible oath.

"Yes, when one has time; but my dear Giacomo cannot wait, and we shall have plenty of time to think it over afterwards." "As you are going to marry," said the duke, "you can put off your departure, or return after the wedding." "I can neither put it off nor return, my dear duke. We have made up our minds, and if we repent we have plenty of time before us."

A man can no more repent than he can do anything else without a motive, and the motive which makes evangelic repentance possible does not enter into his world till he sees God as God makes Himself known in the death of Christ. All true penitents are children of the Cross.

"Ye that do truly and earnestly repent" the words had been in his ears at the moment when he took his resolve. Hopeless though the prospect might be, he steadfastly intended to lead a new life. "My friend," said Vashti. "I am contrite enough already for the amount of your time I have wasted. We will put off our voyage until the evening."

V. God causest he Gospel to be preached to them, making the same through the Holy Ghost, of strength upon their minds; so that they not merely obtain power to repent and to believe, but also actually and voluntarily do repent and believe.

"Monsieur le Comte de la Palferine was presented to me ten days ago by Nathan," she replied; "but you, monsieur, you have known me four years! "And I am ready, madame," said Charles-Edouard, "to make the Marquise d'Espard repent to her third generation for being the first to turn away from you." "Ah! it was she, was it?" cried Beatrix; "I will make her rue it."

She says in it, 'I hope you have no cause to repent returning my Norris it is forthcoming on demand. Now, what the devil can this mean! Her Norris forthcoming on demand! the devil take me, if I am out-Norris'd! * See Vol. IV. Letter II. She is sorry, that 'her Hannah can't be with her. And what if she could? What could Hannah do for her in such a house as this?

"What pressing necessity is there for immediate departure?" she inquired, checking his movements by withdrawing herself from his side. "You heard the ominous prognostic of my cockswain on the weather, and I am forced to add my own testimony to his opinion. 'Tis a crazy night that threatens us, though I cannot repent of coming into the bay, since it has led to this interview."