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'There is nothing private in it, Madame, he said, opening the letter; 'I wanted you to see that I had not misrepresented myself it is from my family lawyer, and he has sent me out a remittance of money, also some letters of introduction to my consul in Melbourne and others; in fact, said M. Vandeloup, with a charming smile, putting the letter in his pocket, 'it places me in my rightful position, and I shall assume it as soon as I have your permission.

One enclosing the first remittance was but a few lines, saying that if the child was well and thriving, I need not write; but if it died or became dangerously ill, I might at any time write a line to Madame , Poste Restante, Vienna. She was travelling about, but the letter would be sure to reach her sooner or later.

The two men were alone at the house and the Senator was full of his own wrongs as well as those of Englishmen in general. Mr. Bearside had written to him very cautiously, but pressing for an immediate remittance of 25 pounds, and explaining that the great case could not be carried on without that sum of money.

The result is a moral certainty that no such remittance as you mention can have reached our house, and a literal certainty that no such remittance has been paid to our account at the bank. "It is needless, at this stage of the proceedings, to trouble you with details. The money has unquestionably been stolen in the course of its transit from you to us.

He was shipped off with just enough money in his pocket no, in the purser's pocket for the needs of the voyage and when he reached his destined port he would find a remittance awaiting him there. Not a large one, but just enough to keep him a month. A similar remittance would come monthly thereafter.

Still hope was in the air and a greater content than had ever been hers was in her eyes; a content that came near to happiness when the doctor ordered her to keep her bed and sent for Clara Belle. She could not wash any longer, but there was the ever new miracle of the Saturday night remittance for household expenses.

To the extent of the increase of exports from England into France in the way of remittance, it introduces additional commodities which, by their cheapness, displace others formerly produced in that country.

At the same time he plunged into speculation, and sent sums incredibly large to various members of his family, a single remittance of four hundred thousand francs being mentioned in his letters.

Have you money?" Since it was the day after the Hunnicott remittance, Kent could answer yes with a good conscience. "Then spend it," she said; and he did spend it like a millionaire, lying awake nights to devise new ways of employing it. And for the abutments of the arch of proof the money-spending sufficed.

One enclosing the first remittance was but a few lines, saying that if the child was well and thriving, I need not write; but if it died or became dangerously ill, I might at any time write a line to Madame , Poste Restante, Vienna. She was travelling about, but the letter would be sure to reach her sooner or later.