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Such is the homely wisdom which gained for Cato the proud title of Sapiens, by which, says Cicero, he was familiarly known. Other original works, the product of his vast experience, were the treatise on eloquence, of which the pith is the following: "Rem tene: verba sequentur;" "Take care of the sense: the sounds will take care of themselves."

And Calvin pronounceth generally, Caenam domini rem adeo sacrosanctam esse, ut ullis hominum additamentis eam conspurcare sit nefas. Sect. 15. And thus have we made good our argument, that the lawfulness of the ceremonies cannot be warranted by any ecclesiastical law. If we had no more against them this were enough, that they are but human additions, and want the warrant of the word.

Certainly to-day there is stress in the cryptic laboratory of Time. A great thing is dead; but, as that sagacious Roman noted: "haud igitur penitus pereunt quaecumque videntur, quando alid ex alio reficit natura nec ullam rem gigni patitur nisi morte adiuta aliena." And do not the Impressionists, with their power of creating works of art that stand on their own feet, bear in their arms a new age?

"All I blame Rem for is, that he asked you to marry him. So much for that! I hope if he meddles with women again, he will seek an all-round common-sense Dutch girl, who will know how to direct her letters or else be content with one lover." "Arenta, I shall go now. I have given you an opportunity to be rude and unkind. You cannot expect me to do that again."

At the farther end, in a fissure of the rock, were stones regularly built up, the rem Yins of a larger fire, and what the hunter did not doubt was the smelting furnace of the Spaniards. He poked about in the ashes, but found no silver. That had all been carried away.

With me who, as a laborer, have a right to the possession of the products of Nature and my own industry, and who, as a proletaire, enjoy none of them, it is by virtue of the jus ad rem that I demand admittance to the jus in re.

Cato indeed had well said to his son, "Orator est, Marce fili, vir bonus dicendi peritus," thus putting the ethical stamp of the man in the first place; and his "rem tene, verba sequentur" is a valuable bit of advice for all learners and teachers of literature.

The Commonwealth bent on Self-destruction Evils of a Confederate System of Government Rem Bischop's House sacked Aerssens' unceasing Efforts against Barneveld The Advocate's Interview with Maurice The States of Utrecht raise the Troops The Advocate at Utrecht Barneveld urges mutual Toleration Barneveld accused of being Partisan of Spain Carleton takes his Departure.

NON MODO ... SED NE QUIDEM: when a negative follows non modo these words have the force of non modo non, a negative being borrowed from the negative in the subsequent clause. But often non modo non is written; the negative after modo is then more emphatic, being independent. Here non modo non quod non would have had a harsh sound. A. 149, e; G. 484, 3 and Rem. 1.; H. 552, 2. QUOD: adv. acc. Cf.

The subjunctive is used because the speaker reports his own reason for the wonder, formerly felt, as if according to the views of another person, and without affirming his holding the same view at the time of speaking. Madvig, 357, a, Obs. 1. A 341, d, Rem.