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Stuart Rem named a linendraper's establishment near the pantiles, where a fair young woman served. 'And her reputation? That was an article less presentable through plate-glass, it seemed: Mr. Stuart Rem drew a prolonged breath into his nose. 'It is most melancholy! they said in unison. 'Nothing positive, said he. 'But the suspicion of a shadow, Mr. Stuart Rem!

This colossal cylinder has to-day no visible use; but it corresponds, happily enough, with the great circle of the prospect. The gardens of Am- boise, perched in the air, covering the irregular rem- nants of the platform on which the castle stands, and making up in picturesqueness what they lack in ex- tent, constitute of come but a scanty domain.

II. IX. Registers of Magistrates II. IX. Philology Thus in his Epicharmian poems Jupiter is so called, -quod iuvat-; and Ceres, -quod gerit fruges. 69. -Rem tene, verba sequentur. II. IX. Language See the lines already quoted at III. II. The War on the Coasts of Sicily and Sardinia.

"ARENTA was far less agreeable than she ought to have been; for both she and her brother had a kind of divination. They knew, in spite of appearances, that Rem had not got the best of Joris Hyde. I am quick in my observations, and I know this is so. Well then, it is a very interesting affair as it stands and it is like to grow far more interesting. I am not opposed to that. I shall enjoy it.

Bernard," said his wife, "on your own principles, they will be no loss, if they do vanish. If a superior race succeeds, all the better." "Right, right, my dear," cried her husband, "rem acu pshaw! I was going to quote Latin. They have had their day, and fulfilled their design." "It seems to me a deplorable necessity," said Mr. Armstrong.

Hoc est aliud rem, that is another matter, for then the biting shame of ignorance suddenly displayed conquers and bewilders us. We have no defence left. We are at the mercy of the discoverer, we own and confess, and become insignificant: we slink away.

Madame employed a certain M. d'Arboulin, with whom she had been acquainted before she was at Court, to negotiate this affair. He applied to a Mademoiselle Rem, who had been an opera-dancer, and who was M. le Normand's mistress. She made him very fine promises; but she was like him, and preferred a Paris life. She would do nothing in it.

If, as she suspected, it was Rem Van Ariens who had detained the misdirected letter, there was only one conceivable result as regarded herself. She, an upright, honourable English girl, loving truth with all her heart, and despising whatever was underhand and disloyal, had but one course to take she must break off her engagement with a man so far below her standard of simple morality.

It means, you may say, a pure topographic relation, a sort of architect's plan among the eternal essences. But that is not the full aboveness, it is only an abbreviated substitute that on occasion may lead my mind towards truer, i.e., fuller, dealings with the real aboveness. It is not an aboveness ante rem, it is a post rem extract from the aboveness in rebus.

In a few moments, Arenta's pretty enthusiasms and welcomes dissipated all constraint, and Hyde placed his chair among the happy group and fell easily into his most charming mood. Even Rem could not resist the atmosphere of gaiety and real enjoyment that soon pervaded the room.