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So we've sent down to Tennessee for Judge McGowan, and we're relyin' on him to bring you over to our side. And that like to 'a' tickled Sam to death. "Well, when Harvey heard his cousin was to be one o' the big men at the speakin', he was mighty proud, as anybody would 'a' been, and nothin' would do but he must have Judge McGowan to eat dinner at his house.

"My dear," said Miss Blake, preparing to comply with this request by wiping her lips with her apron, "you see I a'n't one of the kissin' sort, and I scurcely ever kiss a grown-up person; but here's my hand, and here's a kiss," with an old-fashioned smack that might have been heard in the next room, "for a token that you may always come to me as freely as if I was your mother, relyin' upon my givin' you my honest advice and opinion concernin' any affair that you may ask for counsel upon.

He said for her to go right along to town fully an' freely relyin' on 'Two legs sat upon three legs' to get her her shoes, an' she says what with bein' so dumbfoundered, an' what with him bein' the minister into the bargain, she went along to the station thinkin' as maybe she'd be able to do it. "Well, Mrs. Lathrop, I wish you could hear Mrs.

You ain't got no hand to come in on neither, an' I'll bet on it. You jest nacherally stacks in, relyin' on bluffin' me, or out-luckin' me on the draw. Well, you can't bluff; I'll see this yere through, says Cherokee, puttin' up two more sky-colored beans an' actin' like he's gettin' heated, 'if it takes my last chip.

All the time I was thinkin' how to say 'Cheer up' to the old dame in French, but all I could think of at first was 'Bravo' and 'Vous-ate tray jolee! Still it was sorta stupid walkin' along and no conversation, so I guess I musta had an inspiration or something, and I sez, pointing ahead at the coffin, 'Mort avec mon Dieu. The old lady lost her step at that, because I suppose she was surprised by a Yank speakin' good French, most of 'em relyin', like Matthews here, on the sign language, although I'll say that Matthews gets plenty far enough with that.

An' me relyin' on sendin' you half her board money to help you out? You fool!" "Why under the Heavens didn't you tell me? How could I know? No danger but the bowl is upset, and it's all your fault. She should be worth ten thousand, maybe twenty!" "I never knew till jist before supper. I got it frum a letter she wrote to her brother. I'd no chanct to tell you.

And under the very pleasant sponsorship of my senatorial friend, I was placed at once on genial terms with half the citizens of the little town from the shirt-sleeved nabob of the county office to the droll wag of the favorite loafing- place the rules and by-laws of which resort, by the way, being rudely charcoaled on the wall above the cutter's bench, and somewhat artistically culminating in an original dialect legend which ran thus: F'r instunce, now, when SOME folks gits To relyin' on theyr wits, Ten to one they git too smart And SPILE it all, right at the start!

Kells's radiance fled, leaving him ghastly. He stared at Oliver. "You've double-crossed yourself an' your pards," went on Oliver, pathetically. "What's your word amount to? Do you expect the gang to stand for this?... There lays Red Pearce dead. An' for what? Jest once relyin' on your oath he speaks out what might have showed you.

Then she added with a snort: "Hit's es black es er crow's foot." "Is it Betsey's baby?" "I reckon'tis. Moses he says ez what'tis, but he's de mos' outlandish nigger on dis yer place. Dar ain' no relyin' on him, noways." "When did it come, Delphy? Who brought it? I saw Dr. Debs yesterday, an' his saddle-bag bulged mightily." "De Lawd didn't brung hit," returned Delphy emphatically.