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Unless Twenty's late we " "I am trying to stop her from up here," interrupted Alex, relighting the lantern. "Up there? What do you mean?" exclaimed the foreman. "Signalling father at the station, with the telegraph code," said Alex as he replaced the lantern on the semaphore arm. "Come on up." "Al," said the incredulous foreman as he reached the platform, "can you really do it?"

The violence of the wind at that moment had burst open some outer door. The lights in the chandeliers were almost extinguished, and one solitary wax-light, that had been burning in the recess of a window, went entirely out. Regardless of etiquette, and of the presence of the royal pair, Monsieur de Campan sprang to the chandelier, and, relighting the candle, quickly replaced it in the window.

The sounds, at first faint, grew louder and louder, plainly indicating that some person was suffering extreme pain. "I did not like this hotel, much, when we came in," I said Jerome, relighting the lamp, which had been accidentally extinguished. "Nor I," returned Clotelle. The shrieks increased, and an occasional "She's dead!" "I killed her!"

"They have their points," suggested Abner. "Besides, boys take after their mothers, they say." And Abner rose and gathered his letters together. Ann remained very thoughtful all that day. In the evening, when Abner for a moment laid down his pen for the purpose of relighting his pipe, Ann came to him, seating herself on the corner of the desk.

"There is Harry Brendall. He can take the name." "Harry Brendall will get through it all in no time," said Mr. Arrowpoint, relighting his cigar. And thus, with nothing settled but the determination of the lovers, Klesmer had left Quetcham.

"No one nothing." Having expended several matches in vain, for my fingers twitched nervously, I ultimately succeeded in relighting the candles. "Get along to your room!" directed Smith. "Your apprehensions are unfounded at the moment, but you may as well leave both doors wide open!"

Nevertheless in the conversation that broke out again with the relighting of the lamps, and the comments, congratulations, and reminiscences that were freely exchanged, Yuba Bill preserved a dissatisfied and even resentful silence. The most generous praise of his skill and courage awoke no response. "I reckon the old man waz just spilin' for a fight, and is feelin' disappointed," said a passenger.

"Oh, go to hell!" the mason called after him, resuming his seat on the soap-box and relighting his pipe. Adelle, before she followed her husband, said to her new-found cousin in a tone clear enough to reach Archie's ears, "Of course you are not discharged. I am very sorry for this." "That's all right," the mason replied. "I don't worry about him."

The signal he had so confidently expected to give a trick of relighting his cigar and flipping the match into the air would have conveyed to the watcher the information that all augured well.

Bittacy started slightly, but no one spoke. Above the trees the stars were faintly visible. From the distance came the barking of a dog. Bittacy, relighting his cigar, broke the little spell of silence that had caught all three.