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He was intently watching the quarrelsome animals, and all thoughts of attack in the rear had for the time departed. Shasta leaned silently forward and lifted a small brand to relight his pipe, which had gone out some time before.

He paused to relight his cigar, while Calypso and I Well, he began again: "Now my daughter and I," and he paused to look at her fondly, "though of the race of Eternal Children, are not without some of the innocent wisdom which Holy Writ countenances as the self-protection of the innocent Calypso, I may say, is particularly endowed with this quality, needing it as she does especially for the guardianship for her foolish talkative old father, who, by the way, is almost at the end of his tale.

He had authority, and again I felt his power. "Steele to see me. Did he state his business?" "No, sir." I replied. "Russ, say I'm not at home," said Sampson presently, bending over to relight his pipe. I went out. Someone slammed the door behind me. As I strode back across the porch my mind worked swiftly; the machinery had been idle for a while and was now started. "Mr.

None of them troubled themselves about him, and Ida, who had risen when she heard their voices, helped to convey Miss Kinnaird into the tent. In the meanwhile one of the Indians growled to his comrade when he found the fire out, and stolidly proceeded to relight it, while Weston lay with his back against a fir and watched him with half-closed eyes.

Suddenly, however, as we drew towards the point of meeting, the lights went out, an accident unprecedented in Martial administration. "But they will be relighted!" said one of my companions. "Can human skill relight the lamps that the power of the Star has extinguished?" was the reply of another.

Dad, as usual, was in a gray knee-length smock, with a pipe jutting out under his ragged mustache, and, as usual, he was stopping every minute or so to relight it. He was putting together the stuff I'd transmitted in for the audiovisual newscast.

A circumstance occurred just then which surprised him not a little, and tended to fix this locality still more deeply on his memory. While he was standing in the level, waiting until the captain should relight and trim his much and oft bruised candle, the kibbles began their noisy motion.

He remembered well, with the curious patient memory of the celibate, the first casual caresses her dress, her breath, her fingers had given him. Then late one night as he was undressing for she had tapped at his door, timidly. She wanted to relight her candle at his for hers had been blown out by a gust. It was her bath night. She wore a loose open combing-jacket of printed flannel.

"There's a specimen of the way we learn our lessons," said Caroline, in a low voice, still unseen, as Bobus wiped, sheathed, and pocketed his favourite pen, then proceeded to turn down the lamp, but allowed the others to relight their candle at the expiring wick. "The results are fair," said Mr. Ogilvie. "I think of your carpet," said Mary, quaintly.

I kept my watch very faithfully; but I suspect some of the rest of the party followed Pullingo's example, and went to sleep. No serious consequences ensued, but the sun was up before any of us awoke. We immediately set to work to relight the fire and cook our breakfast.