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So I just got off my horse and climbed up here, to satisfy my curiosity." Leviatt's hand fell away from the holster, a guilty grin overspreading his face. "I reckon we wasn't rehearsin' any scene," he said, trying to make the words come easily. "I was just tellin' your sister that " Miss Radford laughed banteringly.

Sez Josiah firmly, "We ort to take her to Coney Island," and he went on rehearsin' Serenuses praises, and the education and the bliss one could git there. He rid his hobby nobly, but Whitfield, bein' young and spry, could ride his hobby faster and furder, till finally Josiah got discouraged, and sot still a spell, and then scratched his head, and went out to the barn.

I have always fetched my children up to combine joy and business; weld 'em together like brass and steel. Ardelia, begin!" So Ardelia commenced agin'. It wuz wrote on a big sheet of paper and a runnin' vine wuz a runnin' all 'round the edge of the paper, made with a pen. Jest as soon as Ardelia stopped rehearsin' the verses, Miss Tutt sez agin to me: "Haint that a most remarkable poem?"

Then followed renewal of the former unlovely noises. Presently, at a point in the song, for such it was, half a dozen other voices drowned the soloist in a chorus. "'T is Billy rehearsin' moosic," explained Phoebe, with a sickly smile. "He haven't singed for a score of years; but they've awver-persuaded him and he's promised to give 'em an auld ballet on my wedding-day." "My stars!