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"But of course I understand. I have a mixture that some singers have used with good effect. I'll try it on you. You can use it several times to-night, and on your way to rehearsal stop in at my office in the morning, and I'll swab out your throat. That may help some." "Oh, thank you, Doctor. You don't know what this means to me. I I feel better already."

"Of course I'm at your service. Let us go; have you the notes at home?" "No, Herr von Dornburg, I have just taken them to the ladies; but early to-morrow morning " "There will be a rehearsal early to-morrow morning! The jug is for me, Jungfer Dortchen! Your health, Colonel Mulder! Captain Huivenvoorde, I drain this goblet to your new standard and hope to have many a jolly ride by your side."

He arranged a full orchestral rehearsal, and Jenny Lind sang in the salon of the Grand Opéra the three great scenes from "Robert le Diable," "Norma," and "Der Freischutz."

And once a year all four turn in and give a real dress rehearsal of up-to-date social science, to which Homeburg is liberally invited and at which unknown and unsuspected things are served for refreshments and a new and deadly variation of bridge or dancing or punch or receiving lines or conversational technique is put on for our inspection and bewilderment.

Sam rose and extended a finger towards the bell. "Stop! Stop!" cried Eustace Hignett. "I'll do it!" Sam withdrew his finger. "Good!" he said. "We've just got time for a rehearsal while you're dressing. 'Hullo, Ernest!" "Hullo, Frank," said Eustace Hignett, brokenly, as he searched for his unfamiliar trousers.

This had sorely irritated her easily wounded sensitiveness, but she had appeared at the rehearsal in the New Scales on the following morning. Again she reaped lavish praise, but several times she met Appenzelder's well-founded criticisms with opposition. The radiant cheerfulness which, the day before yesterday, had invested her nature with an irresistible charm had vanished.

At the general rehearsal this vaudeville act found no favour and the singer was without doubt vocally distressed. She eventually got under way, leaving the audience in doubt as to the success of the experiment the score shows that it is all in deadly earnest.

She had not been able to refuse Gorgo's request that she would repeat to-day the rehearsal she had gone through yesterday, since, to all appearance, her cooperation at the festival had been altogether given up.

Well, to cut a long story short, Nelly Bryant told me that she and Jill were rehearsing with a piece called 'The Rose of America." "'The Rose of America!" "I think that was the name of it." "That's Ike Goble's show. He called me up on the phone about it half an hour ago. I promised to go and see a rehearsal of it tomorrow or the day after. And Jill's in that?" "Yes. How about it?

Surbilt's departure, about breakfast-time, avowedly to seek total anaesthesia by means of a long list of liquors, which he named, she had spent the hours before rehearsal interviewing female acquaintances who had been members of the susceptible lady's company a proceeding which indicates that she deliberately courted hysteria.