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You should make people go away with a regretful feeling that they missed a great deal by having talked so much themselves that they heard very little from you. Do you think it is easy to listen that it means mere silence?

Her poor troubled brain was staggered by the hideous threat which she had been forced to listen to. She lay there like a corpse prepared for burial, utterly unconcerned for that which was passing. Just for a moment the man hesitated. He glanced back at the bed as though regretful at being dragged from his torture of the defenceless woman lying there.

On a dull railway journey I can sit and watch those stones by the hour together. But Val would rather read the Daily Mail" "Every one laughs at them: Jack and Lord Grantchester, and even Jimmy." "And you?" said Lawrence, taking off the rings: not visibly nettled, but a trifle regretful. Isabel knit her brows. "Can a thing be very beautiful and historic, and yet not in good taste?

She liked the queer shape of it, with the two odd windows giving toward the sunset, and the angle where her cosy corner seemed already to have appropriated. "It's perfectly dear, and I'll love it!" she said passionately. "I'll move in this very instant, no matter what Rosamond may say." Rosamond had very little to say, though that little was regretful and apparently sincere.

In some cases, this summary treatment is all the easier because little or nothing is known of their love affairs, while in others it will be purely a case of regretful omission. It is the chief difficulty and the chief regret, whom and what to omit. There are composers whom to neglect argues oneself ignorant, yet who composed no love affair of immortal charm.

May came, as eagerly awaited by the sick man as by the Halicti. I left Orange for Serignan, my last stage, I expect. While I was moving, the Bees resumed their building. I gave them a regretful glance, for I had still much to learn in their company. I have never since met with such a mighty colony.

She will have us to be superior, as if we were English." "Indeed, indeed," cried Lucy, full of compunction, "I know you are always kind. And I know your ways are different but " with a sort of regretful reflectiveness, shaking her head. "All England is in that but," said the Contessa. "It is what has always been said to me.

I sat entranced as verse after verse flowed slowly on, every syllable clear and distinct as in speech; the subtle tyranny of vocal harmony admitting no intruding thought beyond a regretful sense that the song must end. But sorrow's sel' wears past, Jean, And joy's a-comin' fast, Jean, The joy that's aye to last, I' the land o' the leal.

And I feel, I confess, a queer sort of a thrill, not at all contemptuous neither altogether sad, nor altogether joyous but something pleasantly regretful, whenever one of those quaint and faded old servants of the mirth of so many dead and buried generations, turns up in my company.

"She is reading, miss; and she is sitting on the seat master 'ad made for you, miss. "Very well: thank you." "Any more commands, miss?" "Not at present." John retired with a regretful air, as one capable of executing important commissions, but lost for lack of opportunity. All the servants in this house liked to come into contact with Lucy.