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Chanute realised that experiments with models were of little use; in order to be fully instructive, these experiments should be made with a full-sized machine which carried its operator, for models seldom fly twice alike in the open air, and no relation can be gained from them of the divergent air currents which they have experienced.

But for all he might say and all that he might urge in his mind to the contrary, he did more or less understand what her outburst meant. He could not but know that it was the last outcry of a broken spirit. In his heart he realised then, if he had never clearly realised it before, that this proposed marriage was a thing hateful to his daughter, and his conscience pricked him sorely.

"We have to-day realised answers to your prayers for us, whilst cutting through miles of ice, going at the rate of two knots an hour, but all has been peace and safety." "We are now beyond the vast acres of frozen sea, and every hour brings us into a warmer climate, and nearer to our desired haven. Those interested in our little band, may rest assured it has been a happy voyage with each one.

Those beggars mustn't see us. Ken obeyed instantly. He knew nothing of mountaineering himself, but realised that Roy did. Without a moment's hesitation Roy turned round with his back to the ravine, and catching Ken's hands, let himself drop quietly till his long body dangled at full length against the face of the cliff. The strain on Ken's arms was awful. The depths below made his head swim.

Human beings who had left the terrestrial spheroid, who had returned after their strange journey into celestial space, could not fail to be received like the prophet Elijah when he returned to the earth. To see them first, to hear them afterwards, was the general desire. This desire was to be very promptly realised by almost all the inhabitants of the Union.

The extraordinary effectiveness lent by this ease and variety of diction to a man who possesses not only words but ideas, is strongly realised in Paris, where an ideal interpreter, M. Paul Mantoux, is always at hand to put whatever the President says into perfect French.

And even if the socialistic dream of state-ownership could be universally realised, the change so long as the outward standard of reality prevailed would not necessarily be for the better, and might well be for the worse.

As he lay there, his limbs still overpowered and his brain seemingly empty, a flash of light suddenly came to him, and he realised that there must be certain circumstances that he knew nothing of that, simple though things appeared, they must really hide some complicated intrigue.

Then she realised that Joan was struggling beside her. And, by God! the beast had torn her arm; scratched all down the arm she was, and bleeding." "Joan injured?" I gasped. "Merely scratched this time," put in John Silence, speaking for the first time; "suffering more from shock and fright than actual wounds." "Isn't it a mercy the doctor was here?" said Mrs.

He had resolved to speak 'extempore, just as the mood moved him, and to make his discourse as brief as possible, a mere twelve minutes' sermon. For he knew that his ordinary congregation were more affected by a sense of restlessness and impatience than they themselves realised, and that such strangers as were present were of a temperament more likely to be bored, than interested.