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Late in the evening of the same day a compassionate physician was surprised to see a woman enter his office; her garments wet and travel-stained, and, with streaming eyes, she besought him to come and see her son. "My Johnny, my Johnny, sir!" she cried, "he has been raving wild all day, and we are afraid he will die."

He's raving, I tell yer." The sound of his voice recalled her. She dropped the lantern, and rushed to the bed. "You fool; he's choking, can't you see? Water! give me water!" And wreathing her arms around the man's head, she pulled it down on her bosom, rocking it there, half savagely, to and fro.

The master showed him sitting weary after these crazy deeds of heroism, and meditating self-destruction. That was really the raving Ajax, not because he is raving at the moment, but because we see he has been raving and with what violence his present reaction of shame and despair vividly portrays. We see the force of the tempest in the wrecks and the corpses with which it has strewn the beach.”

'I tell you, said the man: clenching his hands, and stamping furiously on the floor, 'I tell you I won't have her put into the ground. She couldn't rest there. The worms would worry her not eat her she is so worn away. The undertaker offered no reply to this raving; but producing a tape from his pocket, knelt down for a moment by the side of the body.

I have been living in terror lest it should go back underground in the shape of a black cat. However, thanks to the four-leaved clover, and the old woman of the heath, I am at home again." On hearing this rhodomontade, Amelia's mother burst into tears, for she thought the poor child was still raving with fever.

Never had the sun sent sharper arrows upon the travellers, and pitiless was their fall upon bare heads and shoulders. Here an old man, yonder a younger one, sank prostrate under its scorching blaze or, supported by his friends, staggered on raving with his hand pressed to his brow like a drunken man.

In Malaga, just as we were to part, he broke out into a strain highly disagreeable, and I therefore thought it a convenient occasion to tell him that I should have no more to do with him. I left him dancing and raving like an energumen."

The Mexican did not dare turn his back on the raving man. Again he started away, but this time he moved backward, keeping his eyes on Ridgeway, who came creeping after him, crouching a little and seeming ready to spring. Suddenly Ridgeway leaped. His arms shot out and his fingers closed on Del Norte's neck. "I must kill you!" he yelled. "I am the one chosen to do it! Your time has come!"

Wherever you are, I am; as I shall answer to my God. As I said the words, the wind suddenly burst out raving, and then seemed to stand still and shudder round the house of Aros. It was the first squall, or prologue, of the coming tempest, and as we started and looked about us, we found that a gloom, like the approach of evening, had settled round the house.

"If you want me again," he said to Mr. Havisham, "you know where to find me." He walked out of the room, holding the child's hand and not looking at the woman once. She was fairly raving with fury, and the Earl was calmly gazing at her through his eyeglasses, which he had quietly placed upon his aristocratic, eagle nose. "Come, come, my young woman," said Mr. Havisham. "This won't do at all.