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Mesdames found in a beloved brother, whose rare attainments are known to all Frenchmen, a guide in everything wanting to their education.

Nobody wants filigree gold jewelry any more, and there is so little demand for fine wire of the precious metals that few draw plates are desired. The prices now are no more than from $1.25 up to say $8, but it is very rare that one is required the cost of which is more than $4.

His love of the obscure and the suggestive led to the common refusal of his portraits by patrons, who complained that they lacked distinctness. No painter, however, commands such large prices as he, and from L2000 to L3000 is no rare figure for his canvases. H. W. Mesdag is Holland's most celebrated sea painter.

Which gave me much concern, for it was very beautifully wrought of rare stone, such as I had no knowledge of. Much I grieved that it were not possible to carry it away. But time and desert journeyings forbade such; I could only take with me such small matters as could be carried on the person.

"My choice," he wrote in characteristic words, "was not between a clearly right and clearly wrong course how easy is it to deal with such cases, and how rare are they in life but between several difficulties. I think I chose the least." His kindly, shrewd, and honest countenance looks at us from his portraits with no appeal of sentiment or pathos.

On rare occasions Ditte was permitted to go and stay with Granny for a few days. It was the father who managed this, and he arranged his round so that he could either bring or fetch her home. Granny was always in bed when she arrived she never got up now. "Why should I trudge on, when you're not here?

"The monarchs of Iran and Turan sent him some very rare birds;" and, continues the courtly historian, "His Majesty, by crossing the breeds, which method was never practised before, has improved them astonishingly." About this same period the Dutch were as eager about pigeons as were the old Romans.

Verena replied, with a tremor in her voice which was not that of passion, but of charity: "Do you mean that I expected him, that I brought him? I never in my life was more surprised at anything than when I saw him there." "Hasn't he the delicacy of one of his own slave-drivers? Doesn't he know you loathe him?" Verena looked at her friend with a degree of majesty which, with her, was rare.

Three years to lie through summer suns and winter snows, while all the world was out at play, and happy! "Well," said Gypsy, as the most appropriate comment suggesting itself; "you are rather different from Mrs. Littlejohn!" Peace smiled. There was something rare about Peace Maythorne's smile. "Poor Mrs. Littlejohn! You see, she isn't used to being sick, and I am; that makes the difference."

"Not my hand!" and leaning over him she kissed him on the brow. His eyes were still upon her. "Thank you," he said feebly, a rare, beautiful smile lighting up the white face. "You make me believe in God's mercy." There was a quick movement in the group and Smith was kneeling beside the dying man. "God's mercy, Mr. Raven," he said in an eager voice, "is infinite. Why should you not believe in it?"