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Morel said: "I knocked against the latch of the coal-place, when I was getting a raker in the dark, because the candle blew out." Her two small children looked up at her with wide, dismayed eyes. They said nothing, but their parted lips seemed to express the unconscious tragedy they felt. Walter Morel lay in bed next day until nearly dinner-time. He did not think of the previous evening's work.

At all events Maria did not remember; the idea of the gold plate had passed entirely out of her mind, and it was now Zerkow who labored under its hallucination. It was now Zerkow, the raker of the city's muck heap, the searcher after gold, that saw that wonderful service in the eye of his perverted mind. It was he who could now describe it in a language almost eloquent.

The President went home and voted for woman suffrage. MR. KEARNS: He said he believed in it for the several states . . . . MR. RAKER: One moment MR. KEARNS : That is the only information they had upon the subject, is it? MR. WILLIAMS: . . . Will the gentleman yield? MR. RAKER: I cannot yield. MR. WILLIAMS: Just for a question. MR. RAKER: I cannot yield . . . .

MR. KEARNS: How did the women of California find out and learn where the President stood on this thing just before election last fall? Nobody else seemed to know it. MR. RAKER: They knew it. MR. KEARNS: How did they find it out? MR. RAKER: I will take a minute or two MR. KEARNS: I wish the gentleman would. MR. RAKER: The President went home and registered.

MR. DENNISON : It was known by the committee that went to see the President that the Republicans were going to take this matter up and pass it in caucus, was it not? MR. RAKER: I want to say to my Republican friends upon this question that I have been in conference with the President for over three years upon this question . . . .

This interesting political tilt took place when Representatives Dennison and Williams of Illinois, and Representative Kearns of Ohio, Republicans, fenced with Representative Raker of California, Democrat, as he attempted, with an evident note of self-consciousness, to make the President's reversal seem less sudden.

Two or three sets of raker braces, about 12 ft. apart, were used, and in addition, rods with turnbuckles were placed through the form and fastened to the tie-rods, and thus the form was held in place successfully. On the forms built later, the trusses were omitted, and raker braces, about every 6 ft., were used. The rods which screwed into the turnbuckles were removed before the form was moved.

The prisoner was defended by ex-Judge G. F. Harris, E. V. Spencer and John E. Raker. Soon after the trial began Judge Post sent for a noted gunfighter named Danny Miller.

The materials were of good quality, and the form, which was about 50 ft. long, was used to build twelve sections, or about 600 ft. of wall. The form was tied in at the top and bottom by cables attached to rods drilled into the rock, and it was thought that, with the trusses to stiffen the middle section of the form, it would not be necessary to use raker braces against it.

The raker braces of these permanent bents were not framed as tightly as the main posts, in order that the main post should carry the entire weight and the raker braces merely steady the structure. The bents were framed with a jack, as tightly as possible, and very little settlement of the track occurred.