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The agitation of the sea rocked even the mighty CAMBARANIAN and, had our friends been aboard the frail raft, they would surely have perished in the sea. As it was, they were safe saved by Tom Swift's wireless message. The steamer resumed her voyage, and the castaways told their story. Captain Valasquez refused to receive the large amount of money Mr. Hasbrook and Mr.

Up to their waists in snow in winter, and up to their waists in summer and autumn in water, with all the moving accidents by flood and field; the occasional breaking-up of the raft in a rapid, the difficulty of the winter and spring transport of the heavy logs of squared timber out of the deep and trackless woods, combine to form a portion of the hard and reckless life of a lumberer, whose morale is not much better than his physicale.

You know a lot more about me than any one else does, but there's a whole raft of things I think about that I couldn't hang round any man's neck. If I tried to hang them round yours, you'd know that I would be having a hell of a time here, if I'd let myself think too much. If I didn't see it, as you call it, if I didn't see so many things, I might begin to get sorry for myself.

Though the spot was a lonely one, this scoundrel plainly intended to take no unnecessary risks of detection. Just at the present moment the negro was placing in the water a curious-looking little raft that he had brought on one shoulder from its place of concealment.

Indeed I and my two companions had all we could do to keep our own raft beyond the reach of the giants, but by dint of hard rowing we at last gained the open sea. Here we were at the mercy of the winds and waves, which tossed us to and fro all that day and night, but the next morning we found ourselves near an island, upon which we gladly landed.

"I don't believe this old raft is ever going to float any more than the mill itself," he remarked pettishly to his sister Elta one day in October, as they sat together on the Venture and watched the sluggish current of the little river. "Father thinks it will," answered Elta, quietly. "Oh yes. Of course father thinks so; but he may be mistaken as well as other folks.

The object of having this platform raised in this way, was to give the captain a more commanding position, so as not only to enable him to survey the whole of the raft, and observe how every thing was going on upon it, but also to give him a good view of the river below, so that he might watch the currents, and see how the raft was drifting, and give the necessary orders for working it one way or the other, as might be required in order to keep it in the middle of the stream.

The only point which sustained him, was the knowledge that he had his duty to perform, and, in the full exercise of his duty, he recovered himself. "Land ahead!" was now cried out by Krantz, who was in the headmost boat, and the news was received with a shout of joy from the raft and the boats.

He hesitated, however, observing that most of them had their knives, and that it would be no easy matter to overcome them. Again voices shouted, "Where is Pedro Alvez? Let him show himself." "He went overboard and was drowned; and many more will follow him, if we are interfered with," answered some one from the end of the raft occupied by the mutineers.

He looked puzzled to see Hugh bending over him, and to hear the crackling of the fire. "It's all right, my boy," said Hugh, encouragingly; "you fell into the water after your raft went to pieces, and we pulled you out. Now we mean to dry your clothes by the aid of this nice fire, and after that we'll see you get home. Here are your little playmates, you see.