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Here's his outfit layin' around, bitin' their finger nails with ongwee an' pinin' away to slivers yearnin' to get into the big meal-lee, an' him racin' an' tearin' around the country fightin' it out by his lonesome. I call it rank selfishness!" "He sure ought to have give us a chancst to claw the hair outen that damned Corrigan feller!" complained Weaver.

But sure when it come where the river runs past th' ould church, the strong current that was racin' under it just gave a sort of lap round wid it, and washed it clane up on the flat stones at the gate goin' into the buryin'-ground, and left it lyin' there, same as if the lads had set it down off their shoulders.

"'E got a ninety a ninety-horse-power racin' engine wot was made for some American millionaire and wasn't as fast as wot some other millionaire had, so he sold it for the price of the iron, and Henery got it, and had a body built for it, and he comes out here and tells us all it's a twenty mongrel you know, one of them cars that's made part in one place and part in another, the body here and the engine there, and the radiator another place.

If he keeps up his gait an' don't turn or twist he'll have quitted Southern territory by the end of the week. "'After makin' a complete round-up of the sityooation I begins to lose interest in this Yank; an' at last I leaves him, racin' along alone. By way of stim'lant, as I pauses I cracks off a couple of loads outen my six-shooter into the air.

I leased my ground up at Marshall, an' thought I'd drop into Nome t' see if my friend Ben here was still aimin' t' be a lawyer, an' the very first thing I hear is that he's gone inter dog racin' with you an' 'Scotty' Allan. That is, that Baldy's in the racin' stable, which is pretty near the same thing." "Oh, I haven't give up the idea of bein' a lawyer, Moose.

I've stood there where the Rothel comes down from The Gore in its spring freshet, rarin', tearin' down, bearin' stones an' rocks along with its current till it strikes the lowlands; then a racin' along, catchin' up turf an' mud an' sand, an' foamin' yaller an' brown acrost the medders, leavin' mud a quarter of an inch thick on the lowlands; and then a-rushin' into the lake ez if 't would turn the bottom upside down an' jest look what happens!

Take the pole s'artenly, it's all yowin, since you're behin'! Steady ole hoss, there's one consolation, they're breakin' the wind for you, an' thank God! yes Ben Butler, look! they're after one other, they're racin' like Tam O'Shanter an' cookin' each other to a gnat's heel Oh, Lord what fools! It'll tell on 'em if we can only save our distance this heat jes' save our distance Wh-o-p, sah!

All the same, it seems to me a mighty poor investment to spend a thousand dollars on racin' to Europe. That money would buy quite a sizable farm." Others, however, less narrow in their notions, heartily approved of the European trip. When three months later the minister came home, he looked like a new man.

Thar war a few icicles on the hand-rail, an' the branches o' the firs hung ez still ez death; only that cold, racin', shoutin', jouncin' water moved. Jes ez they got toler'ble nigh the foot-bredge a sudden cloud kem over the face o' the sky.

They'll give us a hot time, I'll bet!" Gregson rose to go on deck. "Oh, well," he said, "it won't be so bad if the James Flint only lifts his hook by Saturday. Here's one bloomin' hombre that funks racin' a fancy whaler! . . . An' doesn't care who knows it, either!"