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Ce qui me fait croire que c'etait l'un ou l'autre, c'est que je me souviens que le grand bief n'etait pas acheve lorsqu'il arriva au camp pour la premiere fois, mais de toutes facons il etait l'homme le plus friand de paris qui se put voir, pariant sur tout ce qui se presentait, quand il pouvait trouver un adversaire, et, quand n'en trouvait pas il passait du cote oppose.

Quand un bon vin meuble mon estomac, Je suis plus savant que Balzac Plus sage que Pibrac; Mon bras seul faisant l’attaque De la nation cossaque, La mettroit au sac; De Charon je passerois le lac En dormant dans son bac; J’irois au fier Eac, Sans que mon cœur fit tic ni tac, Presenter du tabac. French Vaudeville.

When last I closed it, little could I have foreseen the terrible blow that awaited me. Well may I exclaim with the French writer whose works I have been just reading, "Nous, qui sommes bornés en tout, comment le sommes-nous si peu quand il s'agit de souffrir." How slowly has time passed since!

On inspecting it, it was so thick and disgusting that I thought it impossible to use it, but remembering the saying of an old French fellow-traveller, "Que tout est bon, quand il n'y a pas de choix," and knowing that nothing but a cup of tea would thoroughly revive me, and unwilling to send Miler a mile in the dark to Big Stone Lake to obtain clear water, I determined to make the best I could of it.

Nor was it in 1329 that he set out. Robert Bruce died in 1329, and the expedition of Douglas took place in the following year, "Quand le printemps vint et la saison," says Froissart, in June 1330, says Lord Hailes, whom Mr. Croker cites as the authority for his statement. The account of the execution is one of the finest passages in Lord Clarendon's History. We can scarcely suppose that Mr.

"C'est de la que naissent les guerres, et c'est un sujet plus que suffisant de prendre les armes contre quelque Village quand il refuse de satisfaire par les presents ordonnez, pour celuy qui vous aurait tue quelq'un des vostres." On this point a special charge was given to the members of the Great Council. The figure employed is impressive.

I can remember one; it was a furious storm a day that nailed one in the house. There was something in the rage without that disturbed me; I wandered about the house, and found myself unable to settle to any task. Some one to speak to! Oh, it was so dreary to be alone. I went into my uncle's room where there were many books. Among those that were there I found one in French, (I have no idea how it came there, I am sure my uncle had never read it.) I carelessly turned it over, and finally became absorbed in it. I came upon this passage: Quel plus noir abîme d'angoisse y a-t-il an monde que le coeur d'un suicide? Quand le malheur d'un homme est

«La Drance est ici fort resserrée et trés encaissée; ce n'est pas sans frémir qu'on s'apperçoit, quand on est sur deux morceaux de bois jetés d'une roche

And meanwhile we are bending over the wounded leg and our work gets on apace. "Now, repeat," says the Sergeant. He goes over it again, verse by verse, and Auger accompanies him. Quand en passant dedans la plai-ai-ne... Auger stops now and then to make a slight grimace. Sometimes, too, his voice breaks. He apologises simply: "I could never sing in tune."

I asked if she wore it before the Queen; I was told yes. Je ne comprens rien a cela. The whole behaviour of the Queen, in her present wretched, humiliated state, is touchante et interessante au dernier point. Elle ne rit, que quand elle ne songe pas a ses malheurs. But now, four les Evangiles du jour. I had a letter from Warner this morning before I left Richmond, dated last Thursday night.