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They were sure, however, that it was the same personage that had so startled them, and that he was returning to his home. "That looks as though he did not belong to these parts," said Elwood, "and seems to throw doubt on his being the young squaw's lover." "And it's a qua'r lover the same would be if he wouldn't go five hundred miles for the smile of his beloved.

A strange fear thrilled both of the boys at the mention of this, and they looked at each other a moment in silence. "What put that into your head, Tim?" "And it's just the question I was axing meself, for I never draamed of such a thing in my life before, and it's mighty qua'r that I should take a notion to do it now."

"I do not see in what better manner we can spend a few hours." "And it's the same idaa that has been strhiking me ever since we sot foot in this qua'r looking place. It's meself that is so sleapy that at ivery wink I makes I has to lift the eyelids up with my fingers, and me eyes feels as though the wind has been blowing sand in 'em all day."

I told 'em dat dey oughter be 'shamed demselves to be smellin' round dat way; and to provide against dar doin's in future, I give dem each a good kick and sent dem away." "Do not exaggerate your story so much," said Rosalind. "Give the truth and nothing else." "Qua'r, folks won't believe all dis pusson observes," said he, with an offended air.

"Begorrah but that was a qua'r dream, was that same one." "Let's hear it." "But it's onplaiasnt." "Never mind, out with it." "Well, thin, if I must tell yees, I was thinking that this owld staamer was all on fire, and all of us passengers was jumping around in the wather, pulling each other down, away miles into the sea, till we was gone so long there wasn't a chance iver to git up agin."