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If I've seemed contented to wait, I can tell you I haven't been. I didn't want to worry her. I I thought she understood." "She's behaved very badly," said Dick, too polite to show his surprise at this revelation. Jim had always been rather a queer fellow. "If you want her still, she ought to be precious thankful. The whole thing puzzles me. I can't see her doing it."

There is a charm in finding ourselves our common humanity, our puzzles, our cares, our joys, in the writings of men severed from us by race, religion, speech, and half the gulf of historical time which no other literary pleasure can equal. Then there is to be added, as the university preacher observed, "the pleasure of despising our fellow-creatures who do not know Greek."

But why Pullingo brought us to see them, is more than I can make out." "It puzzles me also," I said. "Perhaps my father or Mr Mudge will be able to form a conjecture on the subject." These remarks were not made till we were well out of hearing of the natives. Before we had got far, Pullingo joined us, and inquired, Paddy said, what we thought of the performance.

There would still be, after all was settled, something left for Charlotte Harman, but the positions of the two were now virtually reversed. "There is one thing which still puzzles me," said Mr. Harman before they parted. "Leaving my terrible share in this matter alone, my brother and I could never have carried out our scheme if you had not been supposed to be dead.

It isn't a bad sort of capital in its way, florid and pretty, but not a patch on the Doric; and that a whole continent should come up to it and stick at it and never get past it!..." "It's the classical tradition." "It puzzles me." "It's the Roman Empire. That Corinthian column is a weed spread by the Romans all over western Europe." "And it smothers the history of Europe.

Schoville, or chum with Frona? Don't you see? Will you escort her, in daylight, down the public street?" "Will you?" Vance demanded. "Ay," the colonel replied, unhesitatingly, "and with pleasure." "And so will I; but " He paused and gazed gloomily into the fire. "But see how she is going on with St. Vincent. As thick as thieves they are, and always together." "Puzzles me," Trethaway admitted.

Silence fell upon the rooms, broken only by the sound of rustling ribbons caressed by admiring hands, the opening and shutting of boxes, the fluttering of story-book leaves, the protesting squeak of Queen Helen's bisque arms and legs, and the rattle of mysterious puzzles.

If we could only see out of the world of length and breadth and thickness into that other world of these and something else, how many puzzles would be solved, how many impossibilities would become possible, and how many of the miracles which those old Egyptian adepts so seriously claimed to work would look like the merest commonplaces! Ah well, now for the realities.

I expected to gratify your curiosity, if you have become at all interested in these puzzles, doubts, fancies, whims, or whatever you choose to call them, of mine. Next month you shall hear all about it. It was evening, and I was going to the sick-chamber. As I paused at the door before entering, I heard a sweet voice singing.

How to hit the exact moment between the flight of the demon and the advent of the true soul doubtless puzzles many a Chinese mother fully as much as the cross puzzles the two competing souls.