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She browse around the hills and scour the woods with me alone and I as good as engaged to be married? Why, it's scandalous. Think how it would look." My, the dear face that rose before me! The boy was eager to know all about this tender matter. I swore him to secrecy and then whispered her name "Puss Flanagan." He looked disappointed, and said he didn't remember the countess.

But she is in very bad condition, full of water, and, doubtless, as leaky as a sieve. On coming from supper, I found that little Puss had established herself in the study, probably with intent to pass the night here. She now lies on the footstool between my feet, purring most obstreperously.

When Dicksie ran out a few moments afterward for a glass of water for McCloud, Puss was calmly wiping her hands, and in the sink lay the quivering form of young Cæsar. Dicksie caught her favorite up by the legs and suppressed a cry. There could be no mistake. She cast a burning look on Puss. It would do no good to storm now. Dicksie only wrung her hands and returned to McCloud.

"It was not for the fall that I cried," said Catharine, resentfully, "but because cousin Louis and you laughed at me, and said, 'Cats, you know, have nine lives, and seldom are hurt, because they light on their feet, and I thought it was very cruel to laugh at me when I was in pain. Beside, you called me 'puss, and 'poor pussie' all the rest of the Bee."

The troops, the people, were gone, and there alone in the road stood Stephen Brice. The others close behind her saw him, too, and Puss cried out in her surprise. The impression, when the room was dark once more, was of sternness and sadness, and of strength. Effaced was the picture of the plodding recruits with their coarse and ill-fitting uniforms of blue. Virginia shut the blinds.

However, he was a very ingenious boy, aid resolved to manufacture paint- brushes for himself. With this design he laid hold upon what do you think? Why, upon a respectable old black cat, who was sleeping quietly by the fireside. "Puss," said little Ben to the cat, "pray give me some of the fur from the tip of thy tail?"

I kept him for his humor's sake, For he would oft beguile My heart of thought, that made it ache, And force me to a smile. But now beneath this walnut shade, He finds his long, last home, And waits, in snug concealment laid, Till gentler Puss shall come. He, still more aged, feels the shocks, From which no power can save, And, partner once of Tiney's box, Must soon partake his grave. The Goat.

And if my father was friendly at times it did no good. For he was a man big and strong and I was a small boy craving his love. Why couldn't he really love me? Why couldn't he ask me how I felt or pull my ear and say "Hello, Puss?"

"Then we must guess from that Puss and Sandy have fallen into the hands of the rebels, since there are no government troops up here, the señor said," he observed, presently. "Are they gaining on us now, Andy?" "I don't think so," replied the one who held the glass, "though Puss seems to be getting a whole lot of speed out of his Gnome engine right now.

"Papa, I believe I do know what you mean, but it's all out of proportion when you call yourself 'my old father, for you're not old a bit. You're a beautiful young man, and I'm sure any one who didn't know us would take you for my brother." "Come, come, Puss, you mustn't be so flattering, or I'll keep you here, and not let you go North at all; and I do believe you're just dying to go."