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Loss of appetite and suspended rumination; mouth hot; skin dry; pulse from sixty to seventy; swelling and pain of the belly; obstinate constipation; fæces hard and covered with blood; urine of a strong odor, highly colored, and voided with difficulty. Treatment. The animal should be bled, and a strong purgative administered, followed by aconite and belladonna, as in enteritis.

"So far as concerns its purgative qualities, milk is good when made from green stuff, especially if it is grass containing plants which, taken by themselves, have a purgative effect upon the human body. "So far as concerns the condition of the cattle, that milk is best which comes from cattle in vigorous health and from those still young.

"Do you know, you remind me of the story of the advice given to the sick man You should try purgative medicine. Taken: worse. Try leeches. Tried them: worse. Well, then, there's nothing left but to pray to God. Tried it: worse. That's just how it is with us. I say political economy; you say worse. I say socialism: worse. Education: worse." "But how do schools help matters?"

Many people have no conception, whatever, of the modus operandi of a purgative drug, simply believing that it acts in a certain mysterious manner, but the above described process is generally believed to be the correct one by those who have thought upon the matter, but lack physiological knowledge. It is a huge mistake.

In two other cases, after the application of twenty leeches and the administration of an emetic and purgative medicine, I applied the lunar caustic freely over the whole surface of the knee previously moistened with water. In a few hours the cuticle was raised and vesicated; I evacuated a viscid puriform fluid, and I directed the constant application of the cold poultice and lotion.

L. E. D. The oil, commonly called nut or castor oil, is got by expression, retains somewhat of the mawkishness and acrimony of the nut; but is, in general, a safe and mild laxative in cases where we wish to avoid irritation, as in those of colic, calculus, gonorrhoea, &c. and some likewise use it as a purgative in worm-cases.

Give upon the tongue, or in drink, half-drachm doses of nitrate of potassa, every three or four hours, until relief is obtained. If suffocation threatens, the operation of tracheotomy is the only resort. Cloths saturated with cold water, wrapped around the neck so as to cover the larynx, frequently afford relief. A purgative will also be found useful.

I applied the lunar caustic deeply in the wound, and directed a poultice and a cold lotion to be kept upon the inflamed parts; and suspecting fascial inflammation, I took away ten ounces of blood and administered purgative medicine. On the next day, the inflammation had greatly subsided; the cataplasm and lotion were continued.

'Doctor, the Thanes fly from me. 'If thou couldst, Doctor, cast The water of MY LAND, find her disease, And purge it to a sound and pristine health, I would applaud thee to the very echo, That should applaud again. 'What rhubarb, senna, or what purgative drug, Would scour these English hence? Hear'st thou of them? 'Cousins, I hope the days are near at hand That chambers will be safe.

A constant indulgence in the "purgative habit" often renders the coating of the stomach so sensitive that even the presence of food in that organ irritates it and is frequently hurried out half digested. The "Cascade" should be used each alternate day, for at least two weeks, then, twice a week, until improvement is assured.