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Ods bobs, when I was a young Fellow, I wou'd not let the young Wenches look pale and wan but would rouse 'em, and touse 'em, and blowze 'em, till I put a colour in their Cheeks, like an Apple John, affacks Nay, I can make a shift still, and Pupsey shall not be jealous. Enter Susan, Sir Feeble whispers her, she goes out. Let. Indeed, not I; Sir. I shall be all Obedience. Sir Cau.

Hum adod, and that may be, for the young Knave when he let me in to Night, was drest up for some Waggery Sir Cau. Ha, ha, ha, 'twas even so, sure enough, Brother Sir Feeb. Ads bobs, but they frighted me at first basely but I'll home to Pupsey, there may be Roguery, as well as here Madam, I ask your Pardon, I see we're all mistaken. L. Ful. Ay, Sir Feeble, go home to your Wife.

Alas, I found her dead upon the Floor, Shou'd I have left her so if I had known your mind Sir Feeb. Was it so was it so? Got so, by no means, Francis. Let. Pardon him, Sir, for surely I had died, Bur for his timely coming. Sir Feeb. Alas, poor Pupsey was it sick look here here's a fine thing to make it well again. Come, buss, and it shall have it oh, how I long for Night.

Hum, his Majesty! come, haste, Francis, I'll away, and call Ralph, and the Footmen, and bid 'em arm; each Man shoulder his Musket, and advance his Pike and bring my Artillery Implements quick and let's away: Pupsey b'u'y, Pupsey, I'll bring it a fine thing yet before Morning, it may be let's away: I shall grow fond, and forget the business of the Nation Come, follow me, Francis. Bel.