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He handed her the letter which had arrived in the second communication. She glanced at it, askance. Then she took it with a little gasp. "Hereward, if you don't mind, I think I'll take a chair." She took a chair. "Whatever whatever's this?" As she read the letter the varying expressions which passed across her face were, in themselves, a study in psychology.

The religious motive enters deeply into the psychology of the Indian, and no greater stimulus toward better living can be given them than Christianity affords. Therefore the Mission School is especially adopted to bring the Indians into helpful and constructive relationships as individuals and citizens.

With this declaration of the infallibility of common consciousness, the theory of knowledge, which had been so successfully begun, was incontinently thrust aside, although, indeed, empirical psychology gained by the industrious investigation of the inner life by means of self-observation.

Soul, which was not originally distinguished from life, is there studied in its natural operation in the body and in the world. Psychology then remains what it was in Aristotle's De Anima an ill-developed branch of natural science, pieced out with literary terms and perhaps enriched by occasional dramatic interpretations.

With Hippolyte Taine, every truly free spirit has come to realize that "Puritanism is the death of culture, philosophy, humor, and good fellowship; its characteristics are dullness, monotony, and gloom." THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SEX. Havelock Ellis. Our reformers have suddenly made a great discovery the white slave traffic.

All such illustrations overlook the essential difference between action and passion, between doing and suffering. Section VI. The scheme of necessity is rendered plausible by a false phraseology. The false psychology, of which we have spoken, has been greatly strengthened and confirmed in its influences by the phraseology connected with it. As Mr.

Silas cooked and ate, and sometimes read under the maples beside the stone walls: usually he slept in the cart in the midst of the assortment of goods that proclaimed him, to the astute, an expert in applied psychology. At first you might have thought Silos merely a peddler, but if you knew your Thoreau you would presently begin to perceive that peddling was the paltry price he paid for liberty.

"A psychology lecture," returned Helen Adams promptly. "Cut it out," laughed Katherine. "Mary isn't coming up here to go to psychology lectures." "But she does want to go to it," declared Roberta, suddenly waking up to the subject in hand. "I thought it was queer myself, but she speaks about it particularly in her letter. Let me see oh, here it is, in the postscript. It's by a friend of Dr.

In the course of this crude study we shall have to touch on what is called the problem of poverty, especially the dehumanized poverty of modern industrialism. But in this primary matter of the ideal the difficulty is not the problem of poverty, but the problem of wealth. It is the special psychology of leisure and luxury that falsifies life.

Wherefore, as a rule, the unfortunate critic must either discourse on history, archæology, and psychology, or chatter about his own feelings. With the exception of Mr. Roger Fry there is not in England one critic capable of saying so much, to the purpose, about the intrinsic qualities of a work of visual art as half a dozen or more Sir Walter Raleigh, Mr. Murry, Mr. Squire, Mr.