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When I asked him if he was sure that he did not want it, he insisted on my taking it. It was dirty and blood-stained, but saved me much discomfort, and I thanked him profusely. After about ten minutes our stretchers were hauled out of the lorry. I was borne up to the officers' carriage at the far end of the train.

The sight of their former master, who, had it not been for the revolution, might have been Prime Minister of England, and the recollection of their former mistress and all her splendour, and all the rich dresses which she used to give so profusely to her dependent, quite overwhelmed them. Without consultation this sympathising couple leapt to the same conclusion. They assured Mr.

"Will it have pictures?" eagerly asked March, who regarded the artist with rapidly increasing veneration. "Ay, it will be profusely illustrated." "Wot! pictures o' grisly bears?" inquired Bounce. "Of course." "An' men?" cried Big Waller. "And men also, if I fall in with them."

The royal galley in which the hero embarked was built at Barcelona: she was fitted with the greatest luxury, and was remarkable for her strength and speed; her stern was profusely decorated with emblems and devices drawn from history; no such warship had ever been seen in the world before.

Where the dexterity of the lawyers, eager to discover a flaw? The madman's cunning had overreached them all. 'I had money. How I was courted! I spent it profusely. How I was praised! How those three proud, overbearing brothers humbled themselves before me! The old, white-headed father, too such deference such respect such devoted friendship he worshipped me!

The men were profusely grateful, as indeed they had a right to be, for the most they expected was a dollar each as a fee. "Ah," said the elder, "if we had gentlemen like you to take up every day," and he gave an expressive shrug. "You shouldn't take such a sordid view of the matter," said the artist.

Mildred, seated in the tiny anteroom, heard through the glass door a girl singing, or trying to sing. It was a distressing performance, and Mildred wondered that Moldini could be so tolerant as to hear her through. He came to the door with her, thanked her profusely, told her he would let her know whenever there was an opening "suited to your talents."

By this time two of the shipwrights and five sailors had fallen. Rufinus was kneeling by the captain, who was crying feebly for help, bleeding profusely, though not mortally wounded.

On the whole, I think the best and safest plan is to mix up your flowers, and rather eschew great masses of colour in combination I mean. Scarlet geraniums, for instance, or the yellow calceolaria, which indeed are not uncommonly grown together profusely, in order, I suppose, to show that even flowers can be thoroughly ugly.

Though they ate the simplest food in the market for six days of the week, on the seventh, hothouse flowers bloomed profusely in the lower rooms and champagne flowed abundantly into the delicate Venetian glasses on the round table. To be sure, Mrs.