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The death's-head at the corner diagonally opposite had, in the same manner, the air of a stamp, or seal. But I was sorely put out by the absence of all else of the body to my imagined instrument of the text for my context." "I presume you expected to find a letter between the stamp and the signature." "Something of that kind.

I have allowed you to subject to your biting criticism my outer life, my pleasures, and my dress, but I do not allow you to take in hand my inner life my relations to my husband and my personal honor. You presume to speak of my favorites.

Personally repulsive, she seems to be laboring under feelings of strong hatred towards male men, the effect, we presume, of jealousy and neglect. She spent some hour or so to show the evils endured by the mothers, wives and daughters of drunkards.

Reuben Metaxa," said the moneylender. "Was it about an advance you wished to see me?" "Yes." "For you, I presume?" turning to Charles Westmacott. "No, for this gentleman." The moneylender looked surprised. "How much did you desire?" "I thought of five thousand pounds," said the Admiral. "And on what security?" "I am a retired admiral of the British navy. You will find my name in the Navy List.

No irreverent hand would presume to handle her ancestral treasures; no vulgar eye would rest on the effigies of her race gathered on these walls. All would now be safe safe under the protection of wealth, enormous wealth wealth to guard, to preserve, to possess.

Francis; or suppose that Erasmus instead of his schoolfellow Adrian IV. had become Pope; what a different tale there might have been to tell! Who will presume to point out the necessity by which these things were thus and not otherwise? "Regrets for what 'might have been' are proverbially idle," cries the historian from whom I have chiefly quoted.

I know you're immensely clever, Masters, and I know you're my friend, but 'There, don't say anything that you will have to retract; and now, I won't presume to advise you, sir, very respectfully, 'but if I were in your place I would either go to June Jenrys and tell her my whole story, or else let me tell it to her. 'Let you!

I presume I appeared fast asleep, else Lady Geraldine would not have said, within my hearing, "Mamma wants me to catch somebody, and to be caught by somebody; but that will not be; for, do you know, I think somebody is nobody."

Yes, on reflection, I presume I did it, and the man in the moon helped me. Now I think it was a very thoughtful and helpful thing for anybody to do, so you ought to kiss me for doing it, and when the weather gets clear you must throw a kiss to the man in the moon, too, for his share."

If the idea of making her my wife had never previously occurred to me as practicable, it was that I deemed her rank incompatible with my own." "As it was," said the earl. "Country solicitors have married peers' daughters before now," remarked Mr. Carlyle. "I only add another to the list." "But you cannot keep her as a peer's daughter, I presume?" "East Lynne will be her home.