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The deceased gave me a prescription to take to the chemist's, with instructions to wait, and bring back the physic. She said, 'I don't feel at all well this morning; I thought of trying some of this medicine, pointing to the bottle by her desk; 'but I am not sure it is the right thing for me. I think I want a tonic.

Can we suppose, the physician stept between disease and the bath, to hinder their junction; or, that he lawfully holds, by prescription, the tenure of sickness, in fee? The knowledge of this singular art of healing, is at present only in infancy.

What is it, on the other hand, that makes the lawyer eschew his own cause, and call in his learned brother as an adviser? And what causes the doctor, when ailing, to send for his rival, and not sit down and examine his own tongue in the chimney Bass, or write his own prescription at his study-table?

"No," she heard him again distinctly repeat it, "I don't want you for the present to do anything at all; anything, that is, but obey a small prescription or two that will be made clear to you, and let me within a few days come to see you at home." It was at first heavenly. "Then you'll see Mrs. Stringham." But she didn't mind a bit now. "Well, I shan't be afraid of Mrs. Stringham."

What does he want now?" Aunt Ri began to explain the baby's case. Cutting her short, the doctor said, "Yes, yes, I understand. I'll give him something that will help her;" and going into an inner room, he brought out a bottle of dark-colored liquid, wrote a few lines of prescription, and handed it to Alessandro, saying, "That will do her good, I guess." "Thanks, Senor, thanks," said Alessandro.

"Yes," Peter replied flatly, as before. "Yes she's worth saving." "You bet! Well, you do that. And don't put off coming here Sunday. And don't forget to fill that prescription and take it till I see you again." Peter smiled politely, and went down the hall to the elevator, and laid his finger on the bell, and waited until the steel cage paused to let him in.

Yet however unaccountable this foolish Custom is, I am afraid it could plead a long Prescription; and probably gave too much Occasion for the Vulgar Definition still remaining among us of an Heathen Philosopher.

He is a confirmed drinker, and I mean to tempt him with such wine as he rarely tastes. If after the reading of the list in public, and before the marking of the cell doors I can get him to sit down to the bottle, I will answer for making him drunk, for getting the list out of his pocket, and for wiping your names out of it with the prescription you have just written for me.

To recur to the case of rights acquired by prescription, every universal successor could add the time of his predecessor's adverse use to his own in order to make out the right. There was no addition, legally speaking, but one continuous possession. The express fiction of inheritance perhaps stopped here.

The conception of the transactions between God and man was apparently modelled upon the dealings of a petty tradesman. The "blood of Christ" was regarded like the panacea of a quack doctor, which will cure the sins of anybody who accepts the prescription.