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Hush, hush, my sweet one, thou must not prate;" and he retired on tiptoe, and I heard him mutter triumphantly, as he walked away, "He called me `Dominie!" From that hour I rapidly recovered, and in three weeks was again at my duties.

The modern sort, the sort that gets on in this country, is a prime hand at cuttin' his coat to suit his cloth; for all that the stop-at-homes, like the writer o' that line and other ancients, prate about the Ethiopian's hide or the leopard and his spots.

"Remember, I am older than yourself, and may early lose the beauty you love so well, leaving an old wife to burden your youth." "What are a few years to me? Women like you grow lovelier with age, and you shall have a strong young husband to lean on all your life." "Remember, I am not of your faith, and the priests will shut me out from your heaven." "Let them prate as they will.

That sentence burns in my blood, it stings me! What is this struggle that you prate about, anyway? And what do you mean by "getting my strength?" Did I get my strength to write The Captive that day when those fishwives moved in next door to me? Did I get my strength to dream of my new work that day when I was chasing after an express-driver to save a quarter?

The horse recognized me at once, and you have thrice spoken with me, and have not discovered that I am Bova Korolevich!" So saying, he was going away, but the Princess held him back, and said: "Trouble me not with your prate, old man, nor mock my grief; I know Bova Korolevich; he is young and handsome, but you are old and grey-headed."

"Has he acquired the courage to tackle the job, Matt?" Cappy interrupted. "That's more important than this doggoned experience you and Skinner prate so much about." "I know nothing of his courage. I assume that he has force and initiative. I know he has a pleasing personality." "Well, before we send him out we ought to know whether or no he has force and initiative."

"Lysia! ... pardon! ... spare me! ... For the sake of past love have pity!" At this Sah-luma sprang up from his lounging posture on the dais, his hand on the hilt of his dagger, his whole face flaming with wrath. "By my soul!" he cried, "what doth this fellow prate of? ... Past love? ... Thou profane boaster! ... how darest thou speak of love to the Priestess of the Faith?"

This is a matter of cash and not of theory, for the tenants' rights are at this moment worth more than double the fee-simple of the land itself. What will the Gladstonian party who prate about Rack-rents say to this?" This seems a suitable opportunity for calling attention to the term Rack-rents, which in England is almost universally misunderstood.

"Ay, now you may set up for yourself," resumed the other; "for you can prate as unintelligibly as the best of them." "Perhaps," said Tom, "I do not make myself understood; if so be as how that is the case, let us change the position, and suppose that this here case is a tail after a possibility of issue extinct.

"To come here and prate to me of my dead father's dissoluteness and of an ancient quarrel between him and yours, to bleat of my trumped-up course of piracy and my own ways of life as a just cause why I may not wed your sister whilst the real consideration in your mind, the real spur to your hostility is not more than the matter of some few paltry pounds a year that I hinder you from pocketing.