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The rhythmic breathing must be practiced frequently during the treatment, so as to keep the rhythm normal and to afford the prana a free passage. It is better to place the hands on the bare skin, but where this is not advisable or possible place them over the clothing.

For the same reason the pupil entreats, 'Sir, may I be an ativadin with the True! and the teacher replies, 'But we must desire to know the True! Moreover, the text, VII, 26, I, 'Prana springs from the Self, declares the origination from the Self of the being called Prana; and from this we infer that the Self which is introduced as the general subject-matter of the section, in the clause 'He who knows the Self passes beyond death, is different from the being called Prana.

An understanding of the fundamental principles will lead to an understanding of any of the particular varieties of the manifestation thereof. Finally, remember this: A thought form is practically a bit of the detached aura of a person, charged with a degree of his prana, and energized with a degree of his life energy. So, in a limited sense, it really is a projected portion of his personality.

'there is a multitude of connexions belonging to the highest Self, i.e. of attributes special to the highest Self, in that, viz. section. The text at first says, 'Choose thou that boon for me which thou deemest most beneficial to man' to which the reply is, 'Meditate on me. Here Indra- prana is represented as the object of a meditation which is to bring about Release; the object of such meditation can be none but the highest Self.

It mingles with space because there is no longer any visible object in which to inhere, and hence it becomes incapable of perception by us. Similarly, upon leaving the body, the creature lives in space, and cannot be seen in consequence of its extreme subtility as is doubtless the case with fire. It is fire or heat that sustains the breaths called Prana and the others.

He also produced the mind, and the five senses, and other creatures. Having created these, he produced the five sons of the Pitris. Of these Pranidhi was the son of Vrihadratha. Vrihadratha was the son of Kasyapa. Bhanu was the godson of Chyavana, Saurabha, the son of Suvarchaka, and Anudatta, the son of Prana.

"These pranic globes are floating in an ocean of manasa, matter in its rarest form. "Each atom of prana is formed from manasa, exactly as ether was formed from prana, and each pranic atom in the universe is the centre of a manasic molecule, having an atmosphere of manasic atoms. "So we are not exact in giving the prakritic atom three planes or octaves of vibration. It has four.

It is especially beneficial In cases where one is tired or feels a lack of energy. Lying down or sitting erect, breath rhythmically, holding the thought that you are inhaling prana. Then when you exhale, send the prana to the painful part to re-establish the circulation and nerve current.

To move a muscle the brain sends out an impulse over the nerves, and the muscle contracts, and so much prana is expended. When it is remembered that the greater portion of prana acquired by man comes to him from the air inhaled, the importance of proper breathing is readily understood.

In every aggregation of atoms, there were the four planes, each in touch through the Cosmic Mind, its manasa, with other atoms in the universe, with every other globe of whatever kind. "As above, so below," was the secret Key-word. The unity of all the material universe in its prakriti, ether, prana and manasa, was the corner stone of this knowledge.