United States or Greenland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"No," said Cleek and let him see that it wasn't by giving the chauffeur a pourboire of ten francs and sending him back to the garage with the impression that he had had dealings with a millionaire. Ten minutes later the hotel register bore the record of the arrival of "Mr.

Late one night a Yamên messenger came clattering down the silent streets, the sound of his pony's hoof-beats echoing from the compound walls and arousing the whole quarter, there was a prodigious thumping on the big outer gate before a sleeping watchman could be made to roll out of his wadded quilts; but finally, after prolonged consultation, the despatch was taken in to the I.G., the messenger calmed with tea and a pourboire, and quiet once more restored.

He insists on putting it into the hand of Monsieur. No doubt it is a pourboire he wants. He has followed me to the head of the stairs, and he has no French." "Where does he come from?" asked Stephen. "He will not say. But he is a Negro whom I have never seen in the city." "Call him," Stephen said.

If I want to be let in before daybreak I'll come and tap on your window in the yard. I slid a pourboire into his hand and went off softly across the street to the church once more, for I felt almost certain that the fellow whoever he was would come back some time or another to see how his victim had fared, since conceivably the blow might have proved mortal.

More than once any northerner would have anticipated bloodshed. They struggled and beat the palms of their hands with outstretched fingers. It took them half an hour to quarrel over the last two francs. And finally it was settled that the noble prince and millionaire, then leaning against the wall smoking cigarettes, was to pay twenty-two lire and to give a pourboire.

He avoided the common conveyance or diligence, and insisted on travelling post and in a berline; but he could not bring himself to exceed the five-sou pourboire for the postillions. He would have meat upon maigre days, yet objected to paying double for it.