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This done he placed two of his alguazils on either side of me, telling them to run me through with their bayonets if I attempted to escape, and then, drawing his sword and bringing up the rear, gave the order to march. As we passed through the gateway I caught sight of the posadero, laughing consumedly, and pointing at me the finger of scorn and triumph.

If I exaggerate, if the danger be not so pressing as I fear, he is just the man to tell me; but, first of all, I will go into my room and destroy this confounded letter. The posadero did not see it. All that he can say is " "In the king's name!" exclaimed a rough voice behind me; and a heavy hand was laid on my arm.

I thought, too, that in existing circumstances the less I had to do with officers the better. But I did not like the idea of going away without fulfilling my promise to call on Zamorra's old friend, Don Señor Ulloa. "Si, señor," said the posadero, giving me a queer look, and exchanging significant glances with two or three of his guests who were within earshot.

As I rode with Ramon into the patio of the hotel, where I had been arrested by the alguazils of the Spanish governor, a man came forward to greet me, so strikingly like the ancient posadero that I felt sure he was the latter's son. My surmise proved correct, and I afterwards heard, not without a sense of satisfaction, that the father was hanged by the patriots when they recaptured Caracas.

Had my purpose been that which he imputed to me, I should have shown more caution. "That does not at all follow," rejoined the president. "You may have intended to disarm suspicion by a pretence of ignorance. Moreover, you expressed to the señor posadero sentiments hostile to the Government of his Majesty the King." "It is untrue. I did nothing of the sort," I exclaimed, impetuously.

Directing his course upstairs towards the door of Charles Gould's room, the doctor at the last moment hesitated; then, turning away from the handle with a shrug of his uneven shoulders, slunk off hastily along the corredor in search of Mrs. Gould's camerista. Leonardo told him that the senora had not risen yet. The senora had given into her charge the girls belonging to that Italian posadero.

Whereupon we went outside, and the posadero, pointing out the church of San Ildefonso, told me that the large house over against the eastern door was the house I sought. "Gracias, señor," I said, as I started on my errand, taking the shady side of the street and walking slowly, for the day was warm.

If you were a caballero instead of a wretched posadero, I would chastise your trickery as it deserves. What has become of Señor Ulloa, and how comes it that his house is deserted?" "Señor Ulloa is dead. He was garroted." "Garroted! What for?" "Treason. There was discovered a compromising correspondence between him and Bolivar. But why ask me? As a friend of Señor Ulloa, you surely know all this?"

Your purpose is to carry information to the rebels, probably to join them, as is proved by your possession of a letter to so base a traitor as Señor Ulloa." On this I explained how I had obtained the letter, and pointed out that the very fact of my asking the posadero to direct me to Ulloa's house, and going thither openly, was proof positive of my innocence.

How did you manage that, Señor Carera?" "By sending a man, whom I could trust, in the character of a messenger from the prison with a note to the posadero, as from you, asking him to deliver your baggage and receipt your bill." "That was very good of you, Señor Carera. A thousand thanks. How much " "How much! That is my affair. You are my guest, remember.