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'If you can manage to hack a slice of that pork off, Sergeant! said Volnay, 'I'm beastly hungry. 'Done, I think, to a turn, said Polson. 'Who's got anything that will cut? 'I'm tould, sir, said a voice out of the darkness, with a rich oily brogue in it, 'that there's hours of difference between here and Limerick. Won't it be Christmas morning in old Ireland, sir?

Flour pr. bbl., £2 2 6; Indian corn pr. bushel, 5 shillings; potatoes do., 2s. 6d.; apples do., 2s. 6d.; butter pr. lb., 9d.; cheese pr. lb., 6d.; chocolate pr. lb., 1s.; tea per lb., 7s.; coffee per lb., 1s. 3d.; pepper pr. lb., 3s.; brown sugar 7d., per lb.; loaf sugar, 1s. 2d. per lb.; raisins, 9s. per lb.; tobacco, 7d. per lb.; salt, 10d. per peck; molasses, 2s. 6d. per gallon; New England rum, 1s. 6d. per quart; West India do., 2s. 6d. per quart; beef, 4d. per lb.; pork, 6d. per lb.; veal, 3-1/2d. per lb.; cider, 12s. to 18s. pr. bbl.

The pioneers celebrated the Fourth of July, 1788, with a grand banquet of "venison barbecued, buffalo steaks, bear meat, wild fowl, and a little pork, as the choicest luxury of all;" and at least "one fish, a great pike, weighing one hundred pounds, and over six feet long," which could easily be "the largest ever taken by white men in the waters of the Muskingum."

Laden with eight thousand gallons of rum at 1s. 8d. per gallon and with forty-five barrels, tierces and hogsheads of bread, flour, beef, pork, tar, tobacco, tallow and sugar all at an estimated cost of £775 it was to sail for the Gold Coast.

"Oh," cried Susie, "let us take our eggs along all fresh and boil them! We can take a little pail and " "I'll tell you what we'll do," interrupted Frank. "We'll take some salt pork, and catch some fish, and have a fry." Frank looked at the barometer and said it was going to be a nice day. The sun was setting clear and bright. The children went to bed happy and dreamed of the fun to-morrow.

I always try to fill my mind with cheerful thoughts before descending into the dark of the cellar to fish a cold, white lump of the late pig out of the pickle. Not in the uncertain hope of his becoming pork, but for the certain present joy of his being pork, does a man need a pig. In all his other possessions man is always to be blest.

But Margery could even fry pork without causing it to swim in grease, and at a venison steak, a professed cook was not her superior.

The dogs then made a most unceremonious assault upon me, when the maidens, forgetting their fears, made a sally upon the fierce curs, and clubbed them with such hearty good-will that the discomfited canines hastily took refuge in the woods. The family listened to my story, and insisted upon my joining them in their mid-day meal, which consisted of pork, sweet-potatoes, and corn- bread.

Jorrocks's voice was heard inside the "Pig and Crossbow," giving a most tremendous roar for his food. "Pork at the top, and pork at the bottom," the host observes to the waiter in passing, "and mind, put the joints before the women they are slow carvers."

Her father was engaged in a long explanation of the misdeeds of a man who had sold him inferior pork, as she folded her napkin, slipped it into her ring, and went back into the store. Here she sat on her stool again, tapping the counter with closed knuckles. Her eyes chanced to fall upon the paper she had thrown down on the floor, and she picked it up and began to read.