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"Good morning, captain," was the parson's cheery greeting. "You've turned carpenter, so I see." "Poof!" and the captain, gave a vigorous rap upon a nail he was driving into place, "it's necessary to be every dang thing these days, with the world so full of idiots. It's good there's somebody who kin turn his hand to anything. It's the fools who make so much work fer honest folks."

Oh! if any one had come to my mother and said, 'Your daughter will be a hussy, and unfaithful to her husband; one day a police-officer will find her in a disreputable house; she will sell herself to a Crevel to cheat a Hulot two horrible old men Poof! horrible she would have died before the end of the sentence, she was so fond of me, poor dear! "Nay, be calm."

"And, would you believe it, no sooner had the beautiful princess said those words than the fairy disappeared poof! just like that! And right there, on the identical spot where she had been, was that old ragged and crooked woman. "'Oh! cried the princess. "And the old woman laughed her curious, creepy, crawly, crooked laugh.

But others in this unknown land might prove more respectful. "I'd like to meet that Wizard of Oz," remarked Cayke as they walked along a path. "If he could give a Scarecrow brains, he might be able to find my dishpan." "Poof!" grunted the Frogman scornfully. "I am greater than any wizard. Depend on ME. If your dishpan is anywhere in the world, I am sure to find it."

Elinor looked at them with a little quick sigh of excited envy. "They are all so used to it," she said, with a note of humility in her sweet voice. "They make me feel so green!" "Poof! You needn't care," said Patricia, breezily. "If Bruce Haydon says you can draw, you shouldn't mind a lot of sloppy students. Wait till you've been here a month you'll be rearing your crest as high as any."

Once more, comrades. To the Savior of Paranoya!" Roland tried his hardest to catch the infection of this patriotic enthusiasm, but somehow he could not do it. Base, sordid, mercenary speculations would intrude themselves. About how much was a good, well-furnished revolution likely to cost? As delicately as he could, he put the question to Maraquita. She said, "Poof! The cost? La, la!"

"Poof!" grunted the Frogman scornfully; "I am greater than any wizard. Depend on me. If your dishpan is anywhere in the world I am sure to find it." "If you do not, my heart will be broken," declared the Cookie Cook in a sorrowful voice. For a while the Frogman walked on in silence. Then he asked: "Why do you attach so much importance to a dishpan?"

If I thought he would " Irene hesitated, a deepening stare in her eyes. "You'd not marry Dick Poof! Wouldn't you be a pretty idiot? If you read as many novels as I do you'd know that sentimental, puppy love is a delusion and a snare. Let it alone. You and Dick Mostyn are doing the only rational thing. You will be an ideal couple. Gosh, I wish I had some of the money you will have!"

The big man, so cool and nonchalant a minute or so before, fanned himself with the pocket-handkerchief, and turned red, and went white, and went red, and turned white half a dozen times, in twice as many beats of his flurried pulse. " Out at last, Saxham, and that's why I've been gulpin' and blunderin' and bogglin' for the last ten minutes. Poof!" Major Bingo exhaled a vast breath of relief.

I stan' an' yell lak one beeg fool me. Up come beeg feller on buckboard on noder side. Beeg blam-fool jus' lak boss. Not 'fraid noting. Hees trow rope cross saddle. De ole boss hees win' heem roun' de horn. Poof! das upset dat pony once more. Hees trow hees feet up on water, catch ole boss on head an' arm, knock heem right off to blazes.