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'I will leave you, Miss Ponsonby, said Robson; 'we will continue our little business when you are less agreeably engaged. He began to gather the papers together, an action which suddenly recalled Louis to the recollection of Tom's cautions as to prudence and alertness, and he forced himself to a prompt tone of business. 'I hope to be able to be of use, he said, turning to Mary. 'Mr.

Some of the Protestant bishops, and the Lord Chancellor were roughly handled; a privy counsellor was thrown into the river; the Attorney General was wounded and obliged to take refuge in the college; Lord Inchiquin was abused till he said his name was O'Brien, when the rage of the people "was turned into acclamations." The Speaker, Mr. Ponsonby, and the Chief Secretary, Mr.

The "plan of campaign" of this Corporation is to take over from the landlords derelict lands and cultivate them, stocking them where that is necessary. It is in this way that the derelict lands on the Ponsonby property at Youghal are now worked. But Mr.

This new reign, though one of the shortest, was one of the most important Ireland ever saw. Lord Fitzwilliam, the nephew of Lord Rockingham, the first to acknowledge the constitution of 1782, had married a Ponsonby; he was a Burke whig one of those who, with the Duke of Portland, Earl Spencer, and Mr.

"Bless my soul!" exclaimed Ponsonby, "we never were against emancipation, and wanted the best side to win." "You had a mighty queer way of showing it, then." "Well, honestly, Miss Eschelle, do you think the negroes are any better off?" "You'd better ask them. My opinion is that everybody should do what he likes in this world." "Then what are you girding Mr. Henderson for about his university?"

This was after he had lost De Lancey, Picton, Ponsonby, and many other able officers; but on the morning of the 18th there was no lack of skill in the placing of the troops, witness General Kennedy's arrangement of Alten's division so that it might readily fall into the "chequer" pattern, which proved so effective against the French horsemen.

Simeon Ponsonby the professor of botany at Harmouth had married when over forty the eldest daughter of a distinguished though impecunious family in his own college town. His mother, on her deathbed, foresaw that he would need a housekeeper and suggested the match.

'They wish to have a house of their own, in case Mr. Ponsonby should come home, or Miss Ponsonby to stay with them. 'The respected aunt who brought Mary up! How long has she been at Lima? 'Four years. 'Four years! She has not made use of her opportunities! Alas for the illusion dispelled!

During the following night, however, he was observed to breathe heavily, was found to be in a fit, and in a few minutes afterwards, early on the morning of the 28th of March, 1884, he died in the arms of his equerry, Captain Perceval. The melancholy news was telegraphed to Windsor, and broken to the Queen by the Master of her Household, Sir Henry Ponsonby.

Jerry, although she hasn't climbed trees since she was twelve, went up that acacia as nimbly as a pussy-cat, took the box and things from me, passed them to Miss Ponsonby, and got in at the window while I went back to my own room to dress, hoping old Mr. Ponsonby wouldn't be running out to ring the fire alarm.