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I chuck that stinking meat ober-board along my hand. Close up I bin finish I catchem stinking meat like this. Hello! I feel 'em something! My heart he stand he carn go. He stop altogether. I carn look! feel 'em beeg. I look! Ha! Beeg, beeg pearl! Round like anything. White like snow. Pretty lobley. My heart inside go ponch, quick like that, I hear 'em jump along my shirt. No one look out.

"Oh, let them stop," said Graeme. "I like them by me," and the culprits turned hopefully with pricked ears and anxious faces. "Mais non! They are troublesome beasts. Allez, Ponch! Allez, Scamp! A couche!" and their heads and ears drooped and they slunk away.

De fen be very unwholesome, and I drink-a-de ponch vid Raven de butler, to keep out de bad air. Fatout! I insist on your being sober. Oui, monsieur; I vil be as sober as de reverendissime pere Jean. I should be ver glad of de merry maid; but de butler be de odd fish, and he swim in de bowl de ponch. Ah! ah! I am overwhelmed: I never saw the rascal in such a condition before.

"Tea and ponch," continued he, "you know, in London now is quite a la Francaise, and it is astonishing to me, who am but a man, what strong punch ladies can take." "Only when it is iced," said Lady Cecilia, smiling. "Be it so," said he, "very refreshing ice, and more refreshing scandal, and here we have both in perfection. Scandal, hot and hot, and ice, cold and cold."

Man-di-sling-lo-he!" "Donder und blitzen!" retorted the Dutchman, striding toward the escort, which scattered at his approach. "Yomp off dem olt crocks, every man yack of you, und swelp mine Gott! I weel ponch der het of der vive of you altogedder mit, ef so moch der yudge seegs mons pot me into der yail bot!"

But I got a wife an' nine kids back there in the mountains, an' I'm a-goin' to deputize you." The half-breed shot him a look of sudden alarm: "Non! Non! Better I lak' I ponch de cattle. You ke'p de nine wife an' de kid!" "You hain't got no more sense than a reservation Injun!" growled the deputy. "What I mean is, you got to help me make this here arrest!"

At every step the ladies find new excitement. By the quiet door of Madame Laure is the renowned Neapolitan Ice Establishment, well known to most ladies who have been in Paris. Why should there not be a Neapolitan ice café like this in London? Ices we have, and we have Granger's; but here is ice in every variety, from the solid "bombe" which we strongly recommend ladies to bear in mind next time to the appetizing Ponch

From him came also, a little later, our official welcome: when we all were assembled for a ponch d'honneur at the Hôtel du Louvre in the great vaulted chamber that once served the Templars as a refectory, and that has been the banquet-hall of the Félibrige ever since this later and not less honorable Order was founded, almost forty years ago.

A'm ponch hole in heem an' car' heem roun' ma neck lak' de medicine bag. A'm gon' back Nort' me! A'm got no frien's. You de only friend A'm got. You give me de las' four bit. You, give me de honch to play de t'irteen. A'm git reech, an' den you mak' de bank, w'at you call, com' 'crost. Now A'm goin' back to Montan' an' git me de job. Wat de hell!"