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We crossed, turned and went back in an arc following Polter's curved outer wall. We had a good view of it. A weird enough looking place, here on its lonely hilltop. No wonder the wealthy "Frank Rascor" had attained local prominence! The whole property was irregularly circular, perhaps a mile in diameter covering the almost flat dome of the hilltop.

Take it at once, very carefully, to the Royal Canadian Scientific Society. Have it watched day and night. We will return. I signed it George Randolph. And as I did so, the extra ordinary aspect of these events swept me anew. Here in Polter's weird place I had been living in some strange fantastic realm. But this was the Province of Quebec, in civilized Canada.

I gave them all the information a description of her, what you said she was wearing. No sense dragging Polter's name into it, with nothing tangible to go on. The police won't ransack the castle of a rich man just because you can't find your sister. Come on. You can tell me what this place is like as we go."

Oh, please be careful how you move! I am so dizzy, so frightened! You move with such great jerks!" He had what seemed a huge surface of bread and meat. He was breaking off crumbs to put before her. I reached the pouch of his belt. The vial was as long as my body. I tugged to try and lift it out. All the giant contours of Polter's body shifted as he cautiously moved. I clung.

I didn't think I could hold her, but I managed to get an arm about her waist. "Babs, are you all right?" "I'm all right, George. I can stand it. We're he is enlarging." "Yes." I saw water far beneath us, lashed into a turmoil of foam with Polter's wading steps.

Babs stood tense, clinging to the wall railing. I heard the blurred rumble of Polter's voice. "Hold tightly, my little Babs!" The room lurched; went upward and sidewise with a wild dizzying swoop. Babs clung to the rail and I was wedged prone under the couch. Then the movement stopped; there was a jolting, rocking, and outside I heard the clank of metal.

"George, it's father! He's alive!" "Quiet, Babs! Don't let him know I'm here. Remember!" The old man recognized her. "Babs!" It was an agonized cry. The blur of him was gone as he sank down into his chair. Polter continued standing, I could envisage his sardonic grin. From over us came Polter's rumble. "She iss glad to see you, Kent. I haf her here, safe.

I need not detail the strange sensations of our dwindling. We were so soon to experience them again! We had searched, when still large, all of Polter's grounds. Some of his men undoubtedly escaped, made off into the blizzard. How many, we never knew. None of them ever made themselves known again. We were ready to start into the atom.

There is a place where we go down. It is marked in my mind." I had a sudden ominous sense that we three were not alone up here. Glora led us back from the cliff. As we picked our way among the naked crags, it seemed behind each of them an enemy might be lurking. "Glora, do you know if any of Dr. Polter's men might have the drug? I mean, do they come in and out of here?" She shook her head.

There was a grillelike lattice extending down from the seat to the floor. I squeezed under one end, and lay wedged behind the grille. How much time passed I don't know. My thoughts were racing. Babs would be coming. I heard the distant approaching rumble of Polter's voice. Through the grille I could see across the floor of the ten foot cage to the front lattice bars.