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In "The Submarine Boys on Duty" was told how Jack and Hal came to Dunhaven at just the right moment, as it happened, to edge their way into the employ of Jacob Farnum, the young shipbuilder, who was then engaged in the construction of the first of those famous submarine torpedo craft. The first boat was named the "Pollard," after David Pollard, the inventor of the craft and of its successors.

The result of Bud King's investigations, so far as he was concerned, was little different from that of his father's and negligible. But his journey to the town of the bad name was of vast importance to others. Winifred Waverly, upon the morning after the dance, came down late to her breakfast, and found that Pollard had waited for her.

Whatever you think, and be damned to you all! I'm his son and I'm proud of it. Now get your gun!" But Joe Pollard became a great catapult that shot across the table and landed beside Terry. Two vast hands swallowed the hands of the younger man and crushed them to numbness. "Proud of it? God a'mighty, boy, why wouldn't you be? Black Jack's son! Pete, thank God you come in time!"

"I'd believe that if I seen it," he declared. "Pal, it wasn't Terry that done the talking; it was Gainor. He's seen a good deal of gunplay, and said that Terry's was the coolest he ever watched." "All right for that part of it," said Joe Pollard. "Suppose he's fast but can I use him?

If I could raise the money within thirty days..." Thornton laughed. "Nothing doing, Pollard," he cut in. "When your money's due you can come talk to me. Not before." "I said I had a proposition, didn't I?" went on Pollard evenly. "I see where I can make by it, and I'm willing for you to profit at the same time." "Spit it out. Where do I get off?" "You owe me five thousand yet."

"They're welcome," jeered Egbert Lawton. "As it happened, my wife had some sort of presentiment, and the jewels are in two canvas pouches securely fastened under her clothing. She leaped overboard with them." As the "Pollard" now ran much closer, those aboard the submarine could hear the yells of rage that came from the yacht's cabin.

They call the larger craft the ’parent boat.’ The parent boat looks out for any submarine craft that may become disabled.” “The cheek of it,” vented Jack, disgustedly. “Why, sir, I’d volunteer to take the ’Pollard,’ unassisted, around the world, if she could carry fuel enough for such a trip.” “But the Navy hasn’t been accustomed to such capable submarine boats as ours, you know,” replied Mr.

A paper pad, half covered with figures, also lay within reach. On the opposite side of the table sat Jacob Farnum, owner of the Farnum shipyard and president of the Pollard Submarine Boat Company. Beside Mr. Farnum sat David Pollard, the inventor. Readers of the preceding volumes in this series are familiar with all these people, now decidedly famous in the submarine boat world.

As told in the second volume of this series, Jack had once invited a big party of newspaper folks to Dunhaven, to observe some startling performances by the Pollard boat.

While you were out after the horses a man, masked, came into the cabin and robbed me of the five thousand dollars I was taking to Henry Pollard. I thought that it was you! The man was dressed as you were dressed, his grey handkerchief even was like yours. Now I know it was a man named Ben Broderick who robbed me, and that he wanted me to think that it was you. "Can't you see the whole scheme?