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"You've sure got your nerve, if you think you can hold them," Shorty muttered back. "They's two thousan' of 'em an' more a-comin'. They'll break this line any minute." The line ran along the near rim of the ravine, and Shorty had formed it by halting the first arrivals when they got that far in their invasion. In the crowd were half a dozen Northwest policemen and a lieutenant.

But I don't quite see what the Government's got to gain. Proclamations and military only make men worse, I think." "Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't," answered Ned. "A crowd that's doing no harm, only kicking up a bit of a row, will scatter like lambs sometimes if a single policeman collars one of them. Another time the same crowd will jump on a dozen policemen.

'If they came in, it would be barefoot, said Merton. 'Of course the police left traces of official boots, said Logan. 'Where are they now the policemen, I mean? 'Two are to sleep in the kitchen. 'They found out nothing? 'Of course not. 'Let me look at the hole in the wall. Merton climbed on to the bed and entered the hole. It was about six feet long by four wide.

But, if policemen asked him where he lived, he could say he lived in Bone Court with his father. Now he couldn't say it. He got along very well on his crutches, but he was rather tired when they reached the turn in the street which led in the direction of his old haunts. At any rate, they were haunts he knew, and he belonged to them more than he belonged elsewhere.

Unfortunately many people don't care to drive that fast at all times after dusk, especially in the traffic, or where policemen are likely to become objectionable." "But think of that test on the road when we " "That test was lovely," he admitted. "The inventor made us happy with his oratory, and you and Frank Bronson and I went whirling through the night at a speed that thrilled us.

"Not even p'licemen?" "Not even policemen! They are my friends and they are your friends, too. Their business is to look after little children." Josie smiled her friendly smile. "Well, Cousin Dink was skeered to death of p'licemen an' she was a great deal bigger'n you." "Was she really? What did she think policemen would do to her?" asked Josie. "Git her!"

One day, when I was studying the prisoners in a jail, one of them said to me: Such an outcry is made against the criminals because they do not work; but if we did not exist, "an immense number of persons" jailers, policemen, judges and lawyers would be without a "profitable occupation!"

Some remarks dropped by one of the party reaching the ears of the policemen, strengthened their impression that an illegal enterprise was on foot, and the arrest of the supposed burglars was resolved on. A struggle ensued, during which two of the suspects succeeded in escaping, but the remaining pair, after offering a determined resistance, were overpowered and carried off to the police station.

They all three went inside; and each of them drank a big glass of gin. The policemen whispered something together; the elder wiped the drink from his moustache and then said, very severely: "And now, clear out; hurry up! And mind your manners, will you, next time!" He was outside once more, loafing on, along the houses. Mother stood like a clucking hen among her red-cheeked youngsters.

Therefore the best factories of British private industry have few overseers, far less on an average than the French factories, and less than the British State factories. A certain standard of public morals is maintained in the same way. Authoritarians say it is due to rural guards, judges, and policemen, whereas in reality it is maintained in spite of judges, policemen, and rural guards.