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He's evidently played poker enough to know how to bluff in good shape." There was a rustle of impatience in the room. The men seemed to be reminded that a very high tone had been taken with them, and that they had all come in for a share of the rebuke which Fenton had administered.

I won't have you coming home in that state, so there! I won't have a husband as drinks! Why, you can't stand straight. 'Can't stand straight! echoed Sam, with vast scorn. 'Look here! And he shouldered the poker, with the result that one of the globes on the chandelier came in shivers about his head. This was too much. Bessie fumed, and for a couple of hours the quarrel was unappeasable.

He aimed quickly and fired. Jack staggered back a step and then came on again. A second time the colonel fired, but this time the lad did not even pause. The heavy iron poker seemed to whirl about his head; there was the sound of a blow. Colonel Von Roth went to the floor with a groan, and Jack fell sprawling on top of him, unconscious.

And she must love me still, confusedly, if some glimmering light yet lasts in the depths of her. What will become of me all alone? She was so sensitive, and so restless! A hundred details of her vivacity come to life again in my eyes. Stupidly, I contemplate the poker, the tongs, the big spoon all the things she used to flourish as she chattered. There they are fallen, paralyzed, mute!

"I saw the lad last night at poker with a crowd that's not above a crooked deal.... Someone should stop him." In the voice was tentative suggestion. "I've no authority," Spear answered shortly. He turned his back upon the other and strode toward the plaza. The stranger took his way toward the waterfront and into "Jack the Sailor's."

Trevise as she followed: "She pays her nephew's poker debts." "How much, cousin Tom?" asked the upcountry bride. And the gay old doctor chuckled, as he kissed her: "Thirty dollars this afternoon, my darling." At this the Briton dragged me behind a door in the hall, and there we danced together.

And suddenly the most delightful thing occurred to Peter Piper. He thought it would be rather nice to make them all into lords and ladies and he did it by touching them on the shoulder with the drawing-room poker which he straightened because it was so crooked that it was almost bent double.

Three men entered the saloon, drank whisky, talked for a few minutes and departed. The bartender took a long, heat-warped poker and attacked the red clinkers in the body of the stove, threw in a bucket of fresh coal, used the poker with good effect on the choked draft beneath, and went back to his chair and his dozing.

This with crackers, formed the meal. He watched Nash eat for a moment of solemn silence and then the foreman looked up to catch a meditative chuckle from the youngster. "Let me in on the joke, son." "Nothin'. I was just thinkin' of pa." "What's he sore about? Come out short at poker lately?" "No; he lost a hoss. Ha, ha, ha!"

Now the world always accepts a man at his own valuation in absence of evidence to the contrary, and he had vindicated his position so far as his range work went; he was concededly the best rider, roper, pistol shot and poker player in his circumscribed little world, and had, besides, the enviable reputation of never "falling down" in anything he essayed.