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Dick looked up and down the street. There was no one in sight. Stepping swiftly to the pile of snow which the janitor had made with his shovel and broom, he began kicking it about with his feet. Suddenly, with an exclamation, he stopped and again glanced quickly around. Then stooping, he picked up a long, leather pocketbook, and turning, walked hurriedly away to the office.

The Italian took out an elegant little pocketbook. "Here it is," he said, opening a paper bearing the royal mark. "But how did it come into your hands?" "In a very simple way I bought it." "You and for what reason?" "Can you not suppose that my only motive was to render you a service?" The Vicomte shrugged his shoulders. "You are right," answered Fernando, in reply to this mute protest.

You betted your reputation, which remains with you, increased by all the credit due to your eminent success, against a thousand gold mohrs, the value of which you will find in that pocketbook."

In the accompanying pocketbook is all her worldly wealth, as well as my own savings. Take charge of it. My brother Jonathan resembles me in appearance, and is a much better man than I. To him I leave all that I now call mine. "Do not betray to Blanka any anxiety on my account. If God be with me, who shall prevail against me? "Your brother, "MANASSEH."

Maitre Hauchecorne remained speechless and grew more and more uneasy. Why had they called him "great rogue"? When seated at table in Jourdain's tavern he began again to explain the whole affair. A horse dealer of Montivilliers shouted at him: "Get out, get out, you old scamp! I know all about your old string." Hauchecorne stammered: "But since they found it again, the pocketbook!"

It's been my experience that most women try to prove their love by talking about it, and most men by spending money. But when a pocketbook or a mouth is opened too often nothing but trouble is left in it. Don't forget the little attentions due your wife, but don't hurt the grocer's feelings or treat the milkman with silent contempt in order to give them to her.

"I could offer him a mortgage on the stock," said Paul. "If he has occasion to foreclose, he will be well provided with neckties," said Mrs. Hoffman, smiling. "None of which he could wear. I'll tell you what, mother, I should like to pick up a pocketbook in the street, containing, say, twenty or twenty-five dollars."

Hate to bother you, ma'am, but you sure ain't traveling on this train with only eighty-five cents in your pocketbook. Just lemme have a look at the rest. See if you can't find it in your stocking. No, they ain't anything here to make you blush. You're among friends, lady; a plumb friendly crowd. Your poor old pa give you this to go to school on, did he?

Dear Fritz, that is an entirely different thing from being lost. I, too, would never have thought of you allowing yourself to be robbed, for you spoke of reading so much about pick-pockets. It is evident that your dog was a better judge than his master. He had no confidence in the man, while you almost gave him your pocketbook." "Oh, Aunt, don't remind me of that! I know it too well myself."

Women admired him, and made some excuse to pass on the highroad in the evenings, and as for the men his dissipation and his fights over girls probably overwhelmed them. Lars Peter put his hand into his brother's pocket and took out the pocketbook it was empty!