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Po-lice!" in discordant tones that rose above the frightful din like shrieking winds above the roaring of a tempest. And amid it all great Caesar stood with his back against the statue, like a lion at bay, and fought his assailants weaponless and hand to hand, with the defiant bearing and the unwavering courage which he had shown before on many a bloody field.

There's a few others like ye in the wide world, and I've seen one or two of 'em. I've been all over, steeple-chasin', sailorman, soldier, pedler, and in the PO-lice; I've pulled the Grand National in Paris, and I've been handcuffed in Hong-Kong; I've seen all the few kinds of women there is on earth and the many kinds of men.

But Ryan, who wanted something much better than that, sprang around the bar like lightning, and caught Hackley roughly by the shoulder, at the door. "What, here in the square!" he hissed sharply. "With the po-lice in sight a'most! Why, you fool, it'll mean the pen for you as sure as your name's Jim Hackley!" Hackley paused, his resolution unsettled by the other's superior knowledge of the law.

Oh, no, my deah Virginia, not quite that. The word smacks too much of the po-lice cou'ts. Let us say that Misteh Winton has found your company mo' attractive than that of his laborehs, and commend his good taste in the matteh." So much he said by way of damping down the fire he had so rashly lighted. Then Jastrow came in with one of the interminable cipher telegrams and Virginia was left alone.

"'That's to show he was a po-lice, said the fellow with a grin; 'and whin ye ride with ladies, ye must turn the decoy side. "The auspicious morning at last arrived; and strange to say that the first waking thought was of the unlucky day that ushered in my yachting excursion, four years before.

By this time the Senate was in an indescribable uproar; the throng of citizens in the lobbies had blockaded the doors in their frantic efforts to escape from the building, the sergeant-at-arms and his assistants were struggling with the assassins, venerable senators had cast aside their encumbering robes, and were leaping over benches and flying down the aisles in wild confusion toward the shelter of the committee-rooms, and a thousand voices were shouting "Po-lice!

"I don't know Kennard Street. I know only to play the B-flat trombone." "Kennard Street. In Brooklyn. Where the fat gentleman told you to stop, and fell out of the window." A look of fear overspread the worn and innocent face. "I don't go there no more. The po-lice, they take there." "But you had gone there before?" "Not to play; no." "Not to play? Are you sure?" The German considered painfully.

And this town's got a po-lice!" the comment with lip-curling scorn. "It also has a county court which is probably waiting for us," said Winton; whereupon they went in to appease the offended majesty of the law. As Winton had predicted, his answer to the court summons was a mere formality.

Although he did not know it, Katya symbolized the mental attitude of every laborer in Appleboro toward him from that hour. "Here's Doctor Westmoreland! And here comes the po-lice!" yelled a boy, joyous with excitement. Westmoreland cast one by no means sympathetic glance at the wreck on the ground, and his big arms went about John Flint; his fingers flew over him like an apprehensive father's.

"'That's to show he was a po-lice, said the fellow with a grin; 'and whin ye ride with ladies, ye must turn the decoy side. "The auspicious morning at last arrived; and strange to say that the first waking thought was of the unlucky day that ushered in my yachting excursion, four years before.