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"Then I shall expect you, De Rosny," Guy went on. The Frenchman assented courteously, and then, turning to his principal, "Let us go," he said. "My coupé is at your disposition, M. Levinge. Messieurs, au plaisir."

"War Warbur ah, I have it now!" cried he, "Warburton that's it that's the name is it the one you supposed, Mr. Pelham?" "No," said I, apparently perfectly satisfied. "I was quite mistaken. Good morning, I did not think it was so late. On Sunday, then, Mr. Thornton au plaisir!" "A d d cunning dog!" said I to myself, as I left the apartments. "However, on peut-etre trop fin. I shall have him yet."

The world is alive again, even here. Mars Plaisir!" There was no answer. "He has slept deeply and long, like myself," said he, going, however, into the darker corner of the cell where Mars Plaisir's bed was laid. The straw was there, but no one was on it. The stove was warm, but there was no fire in the fireplace.

Mill had sent Mistral the French translation of his essay, "The Subjection of Women," and in answer to the other's thanks and flattering assurance of his own conversion, he wrote: "Parmi toutes les adhesions qui ont ete donnees a la these de mon petit livre, je ne sais s'il y en a aucune qui m'ont fait plus de plaisir que la votre."

Duncan, in turning his eyes from the malign expression of Magua, suffered them to rest with pleasure on the smiling and polished features, and the noble military air, of the French general. "Monsieur," said the latter, "j'ai beaucoup de plaisir a bah! ou est cet interprete?" "Je crois, monsieur, qu'il ne sear pas necessaire," Heyward modestly replied; "je parle un peu francais."

As it approached, we could see that engine and cars were decorated with garlands of flowers, and trailing vines, while such inscriptions as, "Train de Plaisir pour Berlin," and numerous caricatures had been chalked on the varnished sides of the carriages. Our appeals were not in vain. With joyful shouts, the boys gladly threw us the papers which were welcomed like the rain of manna in the desert.

The later Renaissance gardens divided themselves into various classes, jardins de plaisir, jardins de plaisance, jardins de propreté, etc. Parterres now became of two sorts, parterres

Maintenant pour le profit de ceux a qui cela pourrait faire plaisir M. John ATWOOD.SLATER, cet artist nous communique bénévolement ce renseignegnement très spécial: Il est encore fort nageur! C'est lui qui aux dates de 22, 28 et 29 août a été signalé par la Normandie pour avoir fait

The larger number grow wild, and the rest are planted in a careless, irregular manner about their villages. Les terres possedees par les Malais, sont en general de tres bonne qualite. La nature semble avoir pris plaisir d'y placer ses plus excellentes productions.

'You come and take lunch with me to-morrow? Hein? she almost whispered in that ear of his. 'Avec plaisir, said Henry. He had studied French regularly for six years at school. 'Rue de Bruxelles, No. 3, she instructed him. 'Noon. 'I know it! he exclaimed delightedly. He had, in fact, passed through the street during the day. No one had ever told him before that his ears were pretty.