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If passion was all you had to give to one another, God help you. You have had your hour of madness. It is finished. If greed of praise and worship was your price well, you have had your payment. The bargain is complete. If mere hope to be made happy was your lure, one pities you. We do not make each other happy. Happiness is the gift of the gods, not of man.

Who has not pitied the ravings of Lear and the agonies of Othello? The Gospel pities, but, by a magnificence of plot altogether its own, by preserving, if we may so say, the unities of heaven and earth, it also saves. Of all common tragedy, we may exclaim, in the words of the old play,

To Harry Annesley I have given myself altogether; but you, because you are my mother, are able to keep us apart. Do you not pity me for the sorrow and trouble which I must suffer?" "I suppose a mother always pities the sufferings of a child." "And removes them when she can do so. But now, mamma, is he to come here, or will you take me back to England?" This was a question which Mrs.

'What with your little factotum and you, we are flattered to perdition when we come here. He has been proposing, by suggestion, like a Court-physician, the putting on of his boxing-gloves, for the consolation of the widowed: meant most kindly! and it's a thousand pities women haven't their padded gloves. 'Oh! but our boxing-gloves can do mischief enough. You have something to say, I see.

"We must try to make amends now," he said gravely, "for the wrong we have done." "The wrong I have done," she said, correcting him. "You will make it harder for me if you blame yourself. How vile I was in those days!" "Those days," she called them, they seemed so far away. "Do not cry, Babbie," Gavin replied, gently. "He knew what you were, and why, and He pities you.

'What with your little factotum and you, we are flattered to perdition when we come here. He has been proposing, by suggestion, like a Court-physician, the putting on of his boxing-gloves, for the consolation of the widowed: meant most kindly! and it's a thousand pities women haven't their padded gloves. 'Oh! but our boxing-gloves can do mischief enough. You have something to say, I see.

Large-eyed, thin-checked Emily; she, too, already in the clutch of the great brute world, the helpless victim of a civilisation which makes its food of those the heart most pities. How well if her last sigh had been drawn in infancy, if she had lain with the little brother and sister in that gaunt, grimy cemetery, under the shadow of mill chimneys!

Misery returned almost immediately: he had not caught anyone; it must have been fancy. He took up the brush and began to paint. The result was worse than Sawkins! He messed and fooled about for some time, but could not make it come right. At last he gave it up. 'I suppose it'll have to have two coats after all, he said, mournfully. 'But it's a thousand pities. He almost wept.

The bishop consented very willingly. "I accept this garment," he said to her, "and I have begun to wear it before writing to you...." Then gently he pities her sorrow, and persuades her to resignation and hope.

He possessed so many good qualities that it would have been a thousand pities if he had kept on in his former course. "You will bring in your votes for captain," said the chairman. Tom Wheeler distributed slips of paper among the boys, and there was forthwith a plentiful show of pencils. "Are the votes all in?" inquired the chairman, a little later. "If so, we will proceed to count them."