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"Could we, really?" "I'll get the tree myself," murmured Samuel, aloud, "an' we can buy some o' that shiny stuff up ter the store ter trim it." "An' I'll get some of that pink-an'-white tarl'tan for bags," chimed in Lydia Ann happily: "the pink for the white pep'mints, an' the white for the pink. Samuel, won't it be fun?"

"So that pretty Merrill feller has gone, has he, mother?" inquired Old Kennebec that night, as he took off his wet shoes and warmed his feet at the kitchen oven. "Well, it ain't a mite too soon. I allers distrust that pink-an'-white, rosy-posy kind of a man. One of the most turrible things that ever happened in Gard'ner was brought about by jest sech a feller.

And that there should be no mistake her finger shot out, pointing at Blenham. "Terry!" commanded her father, "be silent. You don't know what you are saying!" "Don't I, though! Blenham laughed as she broke off, laughed again as he stood watching how she was breathing rapidly. "Pretty puss," he said impudently, "you need them pink-an'-white nails of your'n trimmed."

"So that pretty Merrill feller has gone, has he, mother?" inquired Old Kennebec that night, as he took off his wet shoes and warmed his feet at the kitchen oven. "Well, it ain't a mite too soon. I allers distrust that pink-an'-white, rosy-posy kind of a man. One of the most turrible things that ever happened in Gard'ner was brought about by jest sech a feller.

Of course I can't have a tree, an' I don't suppose I really want it; but I'd like somethin' all pretty an' sparkly an' an' silly, you know. An' there's another thing I want ice cream. An' I want to make myself sick eatin' it, too, if I want to; an' I want little pink-an'-white sugar pep'mints hung in bags. Samuel, can't you see how pretty a bag o' pink pep'mints 'd be on that green tree?